Explaining What Happened; Y/N..

Start from the beginning

||A few hours passed||

After that story, the others went back to their rooms to rest for the night. Richard and Y/N was the only ones left in the bar. Y/N continued drinking and Rich was just watching her.

"So, all this time you were wondering around America. You didn't even mind to tell us that?" Rich said, breaking the silence. Y/N stopped and looked at him. She sighed deeply and looked down. "I wanted to, but you guys were sleepin' peacefully, I didn't want to dis-" "You could've at least left a note." Rich cuts her off. His voice was sturdy, clearly pissed off. Y/N flinched a bit by the sudden change of tone. "I know. But I was goin' to miss my flight if I stayed a bit longer." Y/N murmured. Rich sighed deeply. "Im not gonna lie, you changed a lot since you left. But I know you better than your brother, you never leave out details." Rich said, never breaking eye contact with her.

"What do you me-"
"Whenever you tell stories, you always tell them in full detail. But earlier your stories were lacking a lot of emotions, which should be yo-"
Y/N suddenly looked at Rich and cuts him off.

"Since when did you start noticin' that? I used to think you don't notice me talkin' in full detail. But now, how could you just noticed that? Yes, I know I lacked some details in my stories tonight. But today has been a very long day and Im tired."
"Since when did the great Y/N got tired?"
"Since I left, Richie."
"I thought you just left to tra-"
"If you know me better than Rob, you should know by now."
"Yes, but I want to hear it from you."
"I dont want to talk about it.."
"Im tired, Richard! Please.. don't make me go on edge.."
Rich quickly shut his mouth. Y/N just shouted at him, he knew he went too far. Yet he still wants to know. But he sighed in surrender. He knows he won't win a fight over Y/N tonight. She was different, and he's afraid that he might end their friendship right there if he continued. He finished his beer and stands up.

"Alright. I'll head to my room now.. You should go and rest too.." Rich said before walking out, leaving Y/N in the bar.

Y/N's POV:

God Im so stupid.. I shouldn't have shouted at him.. He was just worried.. I put my head to my hands, covering my face that's full of regret and guilt. I know him for as long as I remember, but it feels like it's the first time we met. He deserves to know the whole thing, but I don't think I can tell him yet.

It's just so hard. I still can't wrap the whole thing that happened to me five years ago. The pain I felt and suffered. All I wanted to do was cry myself to sleep and never come out of my room. But the other part of me keeps telling me to go back to Richard and let him cradle me in his arms, comfort me.

I have a crush on him ever since I met him. He was different from the others. But I have a boyfriend and I love him very much, I couldn't just leave him because of my co-worker who's funnier and cuter than him. I didn't leave because I wanted to travel around America or because I got tired of working with them. It's because I got tired of my boyfriend playing me. I have to end it myself, even if it hurts.

Flashback (five years ago)..

I was cut off by my phone buzzing in my pocket. I sighed and grabbed my phone from my pocket and looked at my notifications. I made sure my face was still and shows no emotion, that's how I always get away from them, how they never knew my next move. I scrolled through my notifications, some were tweets from the others, some were replies from my recent post. I removed them and saw a message from a friend of mine, Daniel, that works with my boyfriend, Chris. I asked him to keep and eye on him while Im away. I pressed the notification and read his message.

"Y/N, you have to see this. I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen. Im so sorry.."

Then below it was a link to one of Chris' post. I pressed it and saw a picture of him with some other girl. Beautiful and flawless than me. In the description it said; My new girlfriend. I blinked a few times, trying not to give in. Then there was a new message, from an unknown number. I pressed it and read the message.

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