Chapter One

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Wirt's POV

Bright morning light filters into my bedroom as I slowly wake up and rub my eyes. Fresh flowers bloom outside, and birds are singing. It is a perfect spring day. I'm sure Greg will want me to take him out on some sort of fantastic adventure. Maybe today will be another frog hunt. Or maybe an obstical course where I have to swim across a lake, with him on my back. That sounds like a Greg-ish idea.

My red gnome hat sits on my dresser, along with my cape. I haven't touched that Halloween costume since the day I woke up in the hospital. I don't know why; there isn't a logical reason. But what does it matter, anyway?

"Wirt! Wirt! Wirt!!" Greg bursts through my bedroom door, his arms out like an airplane. "Guess what guess what?"He sure does seem excited.

"What?" I ask, smiling and stretching in bed.

"I have a whole day of adventure planed for us today!!" He smiles, and climbs up on my bed. He jumps up and down a few times. "I found two old cats, and I know the perfect spot for a picnic, and we can make forts out of sticks! I even found a cute little stream, and-"

'Whoa whoa whoa," I say. "Slow down there, buddy. I have to get ready first." I smile, and he nods.

"Make it quick!" He grins brightly, and his eyes wander to my red cap and my cape. "Oh, and wear those too!" He points at them. W-wha?!? "Bye Wirt!" And then, just as sudden as he came, he is gone down the hall, arms out again like an airplane.

Why does he want me to wear that? What does that little boy have planned....? I haven't touched my costume in ages. I'm almost afraid to touch it; but I put it on anyway.

I skip down the stairs, and Greg is waiting for me at the bottom, with... His elephant costume on. What is he playing at?

When we walk out the front door, Greg leads me down a path surrounded by the most amazing flowers I have ever seen. The colors of the rainbow glow in the sunshine, and a slight breeze ruffles my hair.

The sky is bright blue overhead, dotted with a few puffy clouds. I turn back, and we are out of the view of our house. I wonder.... Greg wanted me to wear my costume, and we're going out into the fields, out of sight of any place we know... It makes me wonder if Greg is doing this, just because he misses the Unknown. Maybe he misses it as much as I do. Maybe.

He leads me to a small clearing, and I have to stop and admire the magic of this place. In the center of the clearing is a deep pool of water. On the edge of the water is an enormous weeping willow tree. The light breeze blows the tree's leaves to and fro, and the sunshine finds its way to get in my eyes. I squint and follow Greg to the willow. He leans up against the tree trunk, and pats the earth next to him. I sit, and we both seem to stare up at the clouds for a long time.

"Wirt?" Greg says.

"Yeah?" I say, unsure of what is going to happen.

"Do you.... Miss being in the Unknown?" He couldn't really say that any simpler. I guess he misses it too. I nod. "Do you think we could go back?"

I shake my head. "I don't think so... It wouldn't be the Unknown if we knew where we were."

"Hm, good point." Greg says, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Hey, its okay!" I say, standing up. "Maybe we will go back someday. But it will happen when we least expect it!" I take Greg's hand and help him up, a newfound smile on his face.

"Okay." He smiles.

We play all day. Pirates, Two Old Cats, Hide and Seek, Tag, Swimming... I almost feel free again, lost in a dream.

The sun is just sinking below the trees as we walk back down the trail towards our house.

'Thank you for today, Wirt." Greg says, gazing into the forest. I know what he must be thinking about. "It was really fun." He takes off his teapot and looks into the shiny surface. His reflection is distorted in the curved metal, but I can still see his smile. Nothing can keep Greg from smiling.

"Anything for you, little guy," I say, ruffling his hair. He looks up to me, and grins.

"I wonder what mom is making for supper." Greg says, changing the subject completely. "I hope its something really really good. I'm starving."

We keep walking down the flowery path, and Greg starts listing off foods that sound good to eat. I... Never remember this trail being this long....

But much to my disappointment, we turn a corner and see our little house come into view. Greg laughs and starts running ahead, and I follow, a small smile on my lips at the sight of how happy Greg is.

Maybe we won't ever go back... But... Maybe we will. Maybe eventually I'll forget about it, and everything will get back to normal. But... I don't really want normal... Not anymore.

Greg opens the front door, and I follow him inside. "What's cookin'?" He asks, and plops into his seat at the kitchen table.

My mom is at the stove, just taking out a wonderful smelling roast. She smiles at Greg, then at me. "Roast, dear." She says. "How was your day outside?"

"Good." Greg says, playing with his fork.

"I'm glad you guys get along so well..." And so our night continues, with my mother going on and on about us, and us stuffing our mouths with food. Mother has always been the most amazing cook I've ever known....

The moon starts to rise into the sky, and I watch it as I think about what to write. I helped Greg to bed a while ago, and now soft music floats from my room as I think about stories and rhymes.

I look down at the unfinished poem on my desk.

The night is still young
There is still plenty of time
To get lost in another dream
The path twists and turns,
And changes our little lives

That's where it ends. I'm still working on it... Before I know it, my eyelids are drooping, and I am drifting off into an uneasy sleep.

"You came back!"

"I knew you would!"

"We've been so lonely without you!"

"I never thought...."

"You are really here... Again?"

"Oh my gosh, you're back!"

Voices, and darkness. I recognize the voices.... People from the Unknown. Is that where I am? Am I back?

My eyes are filled with light, and I blink a few times to adjust. I gaze around me, and realize I am surrounded by everyone I miss. They're all here!!! I laugh, and tears of joy spill over my eyes.

Beatrice jumps and gives me a big first. "I'm back!" I shout, overcome with happiness.

She pulls away. "I knew you'd come!"

Soon I'm overwhelmed with hugs. I can't believe it.... I'm really back! Everything feels perfect... Just how I wanted to come back. The sun is shining, the birds are singing... It's almost too good to be true.

I jolt awake, hitting my head on my desk. "Ow...." I rub my head, and sigh. Of course. The moon has set, and my room has been plunged into darkness. The music stopped playing, and the silence is almost deafening. They... Seemed so real...

I miss them too much. I hold my head in my hands as I cry, silently, but full of sorrow. The tears fall down onto my poems, as I rock gently. I miss them... I miss them so much... Please... Please... Please come back... Let me come back.... I can't stay here anymore.... I need to see you all again....

Please..... Please.....

Over the Garden Wall: PretendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant