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*alarm beeping* "ugh shut the fuck Up it's a fucking weekend" I said as I smacked my alarm clock causing it to turn off "hmm" I groaned I then checked my phone and saw suga text me

Sg: hey have any plans
Jk: no why
Sg: let's go party and drink
Jk: ugh you know I hate the after math of drinking
Sg: I know but we should have fun sometime
Jk: ugh okay fine
Sg: dress hot because than you can fuck some girls you fucking playboy
Jk: shut the fuck up
Sg: yeah bye

I then turned off my phone went to the bathroom turned on the shower and picked out my clothes I then got naked and got into the shower I felt a little bit lonely I wish I had my girlfriend here with me in the shower us doing stuff I then stopped thinking of that and finished my shower I turned it off got out and changed into these clothes

I then turned off my phone went to the bathroom turned on the shower and picked out my clothes I then got naked and got into the shower I felt a little bit lonely I wish I had my girlfriend here with me in the shower us doing stuff I then stopped ...

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I then left to meet up with suga,jhope,namjoon and Jin they were all gay except for me suga and jhope are dating and rm and jin are dating so I was the 5th wheel here we then went to a mall and had fun we ate and shopped we then headed to the party were all the fun is going to happen. I just hope I don't do anything I crazy "so here's the plan you get drunk really drunk then you take a person to the bedroom you lock and close the door you then fuck the person but you have to tape it then when you wake up in the morning you guys leave and return to your normal lives just remember might be awkward when you see the person at school" suga said "ok" we all said. We then decided to go at night since it will be a lot more fun so in the mean time we are going to go eat again since the drive was 1 hour long we decided I eat at Panda Express we got out of the car walked in and got our food we sat by the window and basically ate like crack heads we couldn't stop laughing and stuff we attracted so much attention after we ate we threw everything away and drove to the party since it was sunset We arrived at a house that had lights all over and people inside and out people were making out and other stuff we walked in passing the huge crowd we then got to the bar and the challenge started since rm and jin were dating they both fuck same with suga and jhope but me i have to fuck someone I don't know hopefully I don't do a guy unless. "Suga hyung I can't FiND a FuCk ToY" I said drunk I heard him laugh since he drinks a lot he can control getting drunk but I hardly drink so I get drunk easily "shhh not a fuck toy" suga said laughing "wHaT ThE FuCk Is So FuNnY" I said drunk "your just unbelievable" suga said "wHeRe Is NAMJOON" I said still drunk "he is having sex with Jin" suga said "oh OH SHIT MY MOM TEXTED ME" I said running outside  I then answered my mom

Mom: where are you
Jk: At PaRtY
Mom: are you drunk
Jk: why do everyone keep telling me that I'm not
Mom: geez sorry I just wanted to know if your okay
Jk: oh I'm great 👍
Mom: okay
Jk:wait I has secret
Mom: what is i
Jk: don't tell anyone
Mom: okay I won't
Jk: pinkeye promise 🖕
Mom: oh god 😂😂
Mom: pinkeye promise🖕
Jk: okay here it goes IM DRUNK MOM!!
Mom: wow I'm so surprised
Jk: sorry mom gota go bye
Mom: okay bye sweetie have fun
Jk: bye I will

The next thing I did was find a really hot guy and toke him upstairs but after that I forgot
*next day* I woke up sitting up but fell back immediately because I had a terrible headache I then looked beside me and saw the hot guy from yesterday he was fluttering his eyes awake  he then sat up rubbed his eyes and he opened them he then looked at me and blushed then hide under the blankets how cute I thought to myself I then noticed I'm naked and he was too so we did do "it" I then lifted up the blankets and saw him hiding his face because he was blushing I then took off his hands from his face and got close to him "how cute" I said and he blushed more I then let him cover his face back I then got dressed got my phone and left I guess he did to I saw how he dressed and immediately remembered why I fucked him and remembered everything that happened I blushed I then remembered WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS!!! I got on my phone and texted them in the group chat

Sg: damn wtf calm down we are at home well me and jhope
Rm: me and Jin are still at the party but btw who did you fuck
Jk: umm well it was a guy
Sg: oh shit! Now I remember
Rm: oh yeah me too
Jk: what do you remember
Sg: so after you and your mom were done texting you came inside and saw a really hot boy so you talked to him and got him drunk took him upstairs and fucked him
Rm: oh yeah huh me and jin were in the room next door and man his moans are sexy you also made him moan very loud
Sg: shut they fuck up namjoon we all heard jin too
Rm: what did I hurt him
Sg: probably but I wasn't drunk jhope was tho he was really needy and horney so I took him home and fucked him there also y'all have them sex tape because I do
Jk: hold on let me check
Rm: me too
Sg: okay
Sg: so I'm guessing you did
Jk: yep definitely
Sg: send me it
Jk : okay
Rm: okay
Sg: the one with the best, and most turn on video wins
Jk: wins what
Sg: $100 plus Gucci clothes WHICH I BOUGHT
Jk: oh I hope I win
Rm: fuck no I'm going to win
Jk: no I'm
Rm: no
Sg: okay y'all shut the fuck up let me watch
Rm: geez sorry
Jk: okay meet back in 10 minutes or more
*20 minutes later*
Sg: y'all fucked for 10 minutes each
Jk: I guess
Rm: yeah I guess so
Sg: man jungkook I'm jealous his moans are fucking sexy
Rm: so who won
Sg: jungkook
Jk: YES!!
Sg: yeah I love y'all too bye
Rm: get your ass back here!!
Rm: this bitch
Jk: bye y'all thanks suga
Sg: don't thank me thank that sexy park
Jk: what what's his name
Sg: park Jimin
Jk; I fucked him
Sg: is it bad
Jk:everyone at school loves him he's the school cutie and hottie no wonder he looked familiar
Sg: that's why I said I'm jealous
Jk: oh shit if everyone finds out I'm dead
Sg: haha brb jhope needs me
Jk: okay bye

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