The Fires Burning

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I was hanging off the cliff at my usual spot. My dog Killer sitting next to me with her body curled around me and her head on my lap as cool breezing air came by. I sat there thinking... it was just to much of a waste last year. Me and Wyatt are over, My sisters are gone, I could care less about anything else right now but I have a new family. And a new pack to survive with. I've been with these people for 5 years now and I already feel at home, Killer my dog on the other hand is still kinda a puppy and it's hard. I always have to keep her out of other peoples ways or they have to stay away from her. I wish... I sometimes wish for good, wrong, or maybe some bad things that I wish came true, last year it all came true. Now I missed my chances but maybe next year it'll be much better as well. Next year my dogs will have there birthdays sense last month was Behlla's birthday and 2 weeks ago was Max's and 3 months ago it was Killers birthday, god was she such a sweetheart. I never quite understand Killer as much as I would normally think I do because Killer knows a lot more about me than I do of her but I may be wrong. I love my dog to death and she's the same for me. Now I just have to forget everything and move on... might take a while or I'm really starting to forget... I need to forget. I need to let go.. let go of things that don't really matter. I need to forget and let go, it's tough but it'll work out for me.

Alura's phone started to ring, Alura quickly moved her hand down her pocket and grabbed her phone to turn it over and see who was calling, of course it was Bella. Alura picked up; ' Hiiii hay I need you to come back to the house because me, Mark, Victoria, Rosie, and Jace are gonna be there and so will Boss because I guess were changing stuff?...' Bella said. 'Seriously? I've had enough with these bullshit meetings he needs to make more to where everyone is with us why is it only me you and the half rest of us?-' Alura said waiting for a response to her question. Bella sighed ' You can ask him yourself but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be something about the rest of everyone else or they are supper supper busy and can't come but we both sure as well dam know nobody would lie to not come except you ' Bella said. Alura rolled her eyes ' True true well K I'll be over in just a minute or so ' Alura said. ' Okie dokie! Love you cya yea ' Bella said. ' Love You to! Bye ' Alura puts the phone down and hangs up. Alura looked over at Killer and kissed her on the head as she softly took Killers head off of her lap and softly rubbed her face together and did what a mother would normally do to make her child suffer with love. Killer glared at her but let it happen. Alura stopped and smiled as she got up and started walking back for the car while Killer got up and was right beside her. As they got into the car, of course Alura is the one driving back home. After dropping off Killer back home she drove back to... her work building or a mafia's hide out. Alura parked in her shady, shadow spot were it belongs to her and her car only. Alura got out locking her car door she got to the door and stepped right in opening the door. She walked towards the upstairs and then down to were the meeting was held and walked in. She was greeted by everyone and everyone smiled at her as she turns her head and has two idiots hugging her from both sides, Mark and Bella all though Victoria kept her distance and waited until Mark and Bella were gone so she could come give Me a warming welcome or loving welcome. As we all sat down I can see Jace sitting down by Victoria who was chatting along with him and turning my head I see Mark on my left and Bella on my right. "Oh my god! Did you hear about the dead girl yesterday? I hear someone was stalking someone.... -she pauses and looked at me and then continued- I saw the pictures Boss took and the girl had bites marks all over her and her head was just smashed into pieces, her legs were cut open and her insides were everywhere but some of the bones on her ribcage were missing" Bella said. Mark looked at Bella "I partly disagree now because I disagree I saw the pictures a bit diffident or I saw something hiding behind the girls dead body. Such as a very large wolf paw..." Mark stopped there and stared at me as Bella glared at me with those deep dark eyes that pierce you every time you look back into her eyes. I sighed as I slacked off and lowered my body in my chair. Before both of them could speak any longer Boss entered the room. Everyone was silent and nobody spoke a word but all of us stared at him giving him our attention. I still stayed the same way. Boss looked at everyone with those deadly eyes and his sexy face just turning you on no matter what or who you are. One look and dam... you've been hit with feelings. " Alura " Boss said as he seemed very unpleased with me. I coughed and sat up straight and faced him. "Where were you in the night the young girl was killed? Because I am assuming that what everyone is chatting about" Boss said looking at everyone and then looked deadly at me. I had that 'I don't care' face on as my mouth began to open.. " Just that night right before that girls death I was out walking with my dogs and talking a stroll through the night. I so happen to just stop and stumble along this girl that I spotted not to far from me. As I was just about to turn around and head the other direction I can hear Killer having her thunder sounding growl that warning growl worse than a grizzly bear. So I grab her by the collar and we head straight home as we where heading home I got into my house and just netflixed and chilled and maybe drank a little or so before I headed out again... now I don't remember if I ever locked my house door or not but I sure was out drunk that night and don't remember a thing other than waking up having Killer curled around me in my bed" I said as I see eyes glare at me, I see everyone's eyes disappointed at my speech. I look at everyone else and they have fear in there eyes like they can't believe or didn't want to believe me. So I looked back up and right when my eyes hit Bosses I was thrown into this dark room, this dark room full of pain and suffering and disappointment. I feel like he was going to throw something at me anything like a knife or point a gun to my head and call me out on all the murders that I've done. But looking more at him and into his eyes I felt so ashamed of myself as if I didn't belong there in the first place. But those eyes of his got sexy each minute. Boss gave out a silent sigh before speaking. "You'k everyone has a story of where they were that night the girl died... Alura your murder record is all about killing someone or you hurting them mentally and physically. I wouldn't be surprised if you actually did kill her... but now I'm more concerned if Killer was the fault for this because you know Dam well that I'm getting sick and tired of all the deaths your causing!" Boss yelled and got closer to me each step he made. I was ready and felt ready to fight. But a nerve came down over me... because I knew Boss was Alpha to everyone and to me. I could see in the corner of my eyes that everyone had there head down by I could tell and see that Mark wasn't getting happy that Boss was getting close to me. I see that Mark would be glaring at him each time boss got closer. "I swear if your dog did anything else you'k how much worse the punishment will be. You better keep that mutt of yours under control or I will keep her for myself until you get your shit in order" Boss said with his face just 1 second away from mine. I can feel his soft breathing as I look at him both our deadly eyes meet like we were gonna fight each other at any point. But I looked away and turned my head slightly away from him "Yes Sir" I said looking away from him. He got back up and walked away as he stopped he turned his head around and spoke
"This meeting is over".

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