Chapter 6- To be or not to be

Start from the beginning

“I mean, yes. I do need a ride.” I finally decide on my fate.

I’ll go home and let him kill me.

Louis’ POV:

“I’d be more than happy to take you home, then.” I say softly, putting my hand on her shoulder in means of comforting her a bit. She’s still pretty shaken up.

She responds negatively, flinching and backing away from me even more.

“S-sorry.” She mumbles.

“Quite alright.” I respond.

“Hey, why are you still in your uniform?” I ask tentatively.

“Um, I didn’t really feel like changing.”

She says it more like a question, though; unsure of herself. I have a feeling she’s lying, but I don’t wanna press further. An awkward silence follows. I take the time to pick up some of the glass scattered on the floor.

“What is this, a milk bottle?” I ask, confused.

Why is there a broken milk bottle right by her?

I notice one of the pieces has what appears to be blood on it.

“Are you hurt?” I ask.

She shakes her head.

“Because there’s blood on this.”

“Um, it’s not m-mine.” She says shakily as I instinctively grab her hands, looking for blood.

She yanks them out of my grip the second it loosens and backs away from me.

I grab a broom and sweep up the remaining glass before dumping it in the bin and returning to where she still sits, head in hands. She doesn’t appear to be crying, just thinking, but when I place my hand gently on her shoulder again she jumps and I can see there are silent tears streaming down her face. I offer my hand to help her up before pulling her into a hug, trying to comfort her. She tenses up, though, and I don’t seem to be helping so I let her go. She sniffles some and hastily wipes her eyes, looking away.

“My car is out front.” I say after a bit. She just nods, and we set out. I usher her in front of my as we exit, but she only shakes her head, tentatively saying she doesn’t like the feeling of being followed.


I flick the light switch in the locker room off and unlock my car, going to the passenger side and clearing the seat for Skylynn before holding the door open for her. She mumbles a “thanks” and gingerly sits down, as if she’ll break the seat if she lands wrong.

I do pretty much the opposite, plopping down in my seat on the driver’s side and starting the car. We negotiate directions to what I can only assume is her house, which isn’t too far away but also isn’t in the best part of town. I pull up to the curb in front of her house and park the car. She hesitates thirty seconds or so before looking at me. There’s something new in her eyes, fear? Weird.

I’m a little bit hesitant to let her leave, though, because I saw someone who looked a lot like her father (hey, I’m not one to jump to conclusions) hit her just as she was getting water during the game today.

I’m worried I’ve been right about abuse all along.

Skye’s POV:

“Hey, before you go, I just wanna say something.” Mr. Tomlinson starts as I grab on to the door handle. I’d hesitated a lot beforehand, wondering if I’m making the right decision. Do I really wanna die? Should I tell someone about this before I do so they can solve my murder case and put my parents in jail? Would he have an alternative place for me to stay tonight?

Is he willing to save my life?

“You are one of the most talented students I’ve ever had.”

Shit, does he already know I’m about to die? Is this his final speech to me?

“And I know that you aren’t one to boast about your talents and expose them, but I have been privileged to be in the right places at the right times to witness them. You are one of the best, most beautiful singers I have ever heard, and your keeper skills are second to none. I can tell you don’t believe that, too, and I just want you to know how special you are, Skylynn.”

I’m so taken aback by all of this, all I can do is nod. I turn to exit again.

“Hey, wait. One more thing.”

Oh great, what now?

“Here’s my number. Text me when you’re safe, okay?”

Safe? What is that supposed to mean?

“I’m not driving away until I get that text, alright?” I nod and take the piece of paper with his number.

I exit the car and walk up to my front door. I quickly enter his phone number and compose a text so that I can hit the button the instant I’m inside. I have no idea how short or long my death will be. I assume it’ll be slow and painful, but just in case…

The words Mr. Tomlinson just said keep bouncing around in my head. Best. Talented. Beautiful. Second to none.


I raise my hand to knock but I stop when I hear the voices of my parents.

“The whore has returned for her DEATH!” My dad slurs loudly. My mom laughs and snorts, obviously drunk as well. “Come on in, sweetie, if you dare! The door’s unlocked!” My father continues. I hear metal clanging around. He must be in the knife drawer.


I don’t want to die this way.

I pretend to try to open the door and then recompose my text to Mr. T.

I’m locked out :/ -Skye

I click send before I regret it.

“C’mon in, coward!” My mother shouts. They both erupt into laughter. I start to quake with fear.

Almost instantly I receive a reply.

Come back to mine for the night. We’ve got plenty of room! I insist.

I look back at the car incredulously. A couple seconds later my phone vibrates again.

I’m not taking no for an answer.

I smile a little to myself, a true smile. I’m not going to die tonight.

I walk towards his car again, sighing a little as I open the door.

It’s good to be alive.

A/N: That's it for tonight, everyone. Wattpad keeps messing with the spacing and I really need to sleep :/ Also, check out my tumblr, deal-with-it-okay ! Love you guys.

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