I Didn't Mean To

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Hi, I'm Maralyn Barnes and I'm Bucky Barnes' daughter, but that doesn't matter right now. Right now what matters is that my dad won't stop yelling at me for something I can't control so be prepared for some bullshit.

"I can't believe you Maralyn." dad sighs. I roll my eyes and walk away from him. "Don't you fucking walk away from me!!" he yells. "Stop fucking yelling at her!" Clint yells back as he stands up from the table and walks over to me. Suddenly a glass flys by me just barely missing my head and hits the wall witch shatters it. My eyes go wide and my breathing gets ragged as I feel a shard of glass cut my face. "JAMES BARNES!!!" I hear Nat and Sam yell but before anything else happens I run to my room and lock the door. A few minutes later I hear multiple sets of foot steps coming towards my door. "Open this fucking door right now!!" I hear dad yell as he bangs on the door. "Bucky leave her alone!" I hear Clint growl. "Whatever..." I hear dad huff as he stomps away. "Maralyn hun open the door please." Clint says in a gentle voice. I get off of my bed and open the door. Clint draws me into a tight hug and when we pull apart I notice there's blood on his shirt right where my cheek was. I reach my hand up and touch my cheek. I pull my hand away and look down at my fingers. I tear up when I see blood on my fingertips. "He.....he hurt you." Clint growls as he takes my hand in his. "Why is Bucky so pissed off?!" Steve demands as he walks toward us. "I uh....I may or may not have accidentally let Loki escape..." I sniff. "You. Did. WHAT?!!" Steve yells. "She didn't mean to!" Sam growls. "What happened to your face?" Steve asks. "Dad threw a glass at me and it hit the wall instead so when it broke a piece came and hit me in the face." as I'm talking I can see the anger boiling up in Steve's face. "I'll be back." he huffs as he storms off. I look down as tears flow from my eyes. "Hey it's ok little bear." Clint says taking my head in his hands making me look at him. "You haven't called her that in years." I hear Nat laugh. Clint flips Nat off and Sam and I start laughing. "How about we take a few days off and head to Wakanda." Sam suggests. I nod and we all walk toward Tony's office. When we get there I open the door and we all walk in. Tony turns around and smiles when he sees me but his smile immediately fades when he sees the large cut on my cheek. "What happened to you?!" he asks rushing over to me. "Bucky threw a cup at her and it hit the wall and broke and a piece hit her in the face." Sam explains. Tony sighs and I can see the anger burning in his eyes. "Well bear it's defiantly gonna need stiches." he tells me running his fingers over the cut. I nod and sit on the medical table in the middle of the room. "So why'd you guys come down here anyways?" Tony asks as he starts stiching my cheek. "We wanted to ask if we could borrow the quinjet." Nat tells him. "For?" he asks. "We wanted to head to Wakanda for like a week. Ya know just to take a break. We all really need it. Especially Maralyn." Nat explains. Tony nods as he finishes stitching my cheek. "And what's in it for me?" he asks. "You can come with us." I say hopping off of the table. Tony pretends to think about it for a moment and says "I'm in!" I smile and hug him "Thanks Tony." "No problem bear." he laughs as we pull apart. "We should go pack." Sam says. We all agree and head to our rooms.

As I'm in the middle of packing Dad walks into my room. "What do you want?" I ask putting a pair of shorts into my suitcase. "Where are you going?" he asks sitting at the foot of my bed. "Wakanda." I tell him as I grab my computer and put it in the front pocket of my suitcase. "With who?" he questions. "Clint, Nat, Sam, and Tony." I say. He sighs and looks at me for a minute before asking "What happened to your face?" "When you threw the cup at me and it broke a piece hit me in the face and Tony had to stitch the cut." I explain. "O-oh..." he stutters. I zip up my suitcase and sit it by the door. "Well I hope you have fun." he says as he walks toward my door. "Dad..." I say. He stops and looks back at me. "Yea bear?" he asks. "I love you." I tell him. "I love you too, bear." he says as he walks out.

An hour later we have all of our stuff loaded onto the quinjet. I go hug Steve and my dad and then we all get onto the jet. "Wakanda here we come" Tony yells as he puts the jet on auto pilot. "T'Chala knows were coming right?" Nat asks. Tony nods and leans back in his seat. "It has been way to long scenes I last saw Shuri." I sigh as I lay my head on Clint's shoulder and fall asleep.

AN: I apologize for any misspellings.

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