Chapter 2- Not-so-common white girl

Start from the beginning

And finally, said teacher turns around and sees me. I was probably even shedding a few tears, I don’t know. At that point, I didn’t care. I didn’t wanna go home, I didn’t wanna stay here, I didn’t wanna do anything.

I wanted to die.

And as Mr. Tomlinson looked into my pathetic eyes, I think he saw that.

So I quickly glanced away before getting up loudly, moving the desk a couple feet accidentally, and looking down at the mess.

“I’ll go get paper towels.” I said, and without another word, I did.

In the bathroom, I dabbed coffee off of my face, trying not to remove any makeup. I was about to try to clean off my sweatshirt when I realized he probably didn’t think I was coming back, so I grabbed like half a roll’s worth and returned to the music room.

“What happened?” He asked.

“Um, I just like, spilled my coffee, and… yeah.” I spoke timidly.

He was probably pissed. The male species pissed off is one scary thing.

“It’s all over you…”


“Aren’t you gonna take your sweatshirt off then?”

Hell naw.

“Um, no. I’m… cold.”

“It’s at least 80 degrees in here, just take it off.”

“No, I’m good.” By now I was bent over, wiping the coffee off of my desk and chair.

“C’mon, you look miserable. Your face is completely red and you look like you’re about to pass out or hyperventilate or something.”


I’ll just be careful. Make up excuses if I have to.

So I shrugged my sweatshirt off without turning around and started picking up ice off of the floor before mopping up the rest of the coffee. So far so good.

I quickly stood up, arms at my sides, and grabbed my sweatshirt. I quickly slung my backpack over my shoulders before putting my arms through my sweatshirt armholes.

Phew. Close one.

Louis’ POV

I looked up from my desk to see none other than Skylynn Eaton covered in some kind of brown beverage, looking upset and quite honestly, pretty pathetic.

Now, Skylynn keeps to herself. She doesn’t really talk to anyone, let alone me. The longest I’ve ever spoken to her was after she was late on the first day of class. There's something about her that worries me though. She looks dead, honestly. I’ve never really seen her smile a convincing smile. And on top of that, I’m pretty sure Anika bullies her, but I can’t be sure, so I can’t really report it.

Anyways, there she was, the only one left in the classroom, in a soaked sweatshirt. She quickly got up, mumbling something about getting paper towels.

She came back after a while, her face cleaned off but it still looked… dirty? No, that wasn’t the word. It was spotted with dark patches that may or may not be poorly covered bruises.

From what?

And on top of that, she was still wearing that sweatshirt. And she was like… sweating.


I tried to coax it off of her, and eventually, she quickly pulled it off and went back to cleaning. I wanted to help, but I figured it would make things pretty awkward so… not gonna do that. Instead, I just watched (creepy, right?).

When she stood up to put her backpack on, I got a good view of her bare forearms. Pale. Freckled. And covered in bruises and scratches. Most looked like nail marks. Had she done that to herself? No. But she had done the cuts on her wrists. That right there looked suicidal. I opened my mouth to say something, but I stopped. Who am I to confront her? I don’t know how to talk about this! Heck, I’ll probably screw it up by saying something completely inappropriate, making her want to do it more. She probably didn’t do those anyways. I’m just over reacting.

But what if she did? Damn. I’ll just tell the guidance counselor and she’ll get her on the right track. I mean, don’t get me wrong; I’m concerned. I just don’t know what to do, or how to help. I wish I did. I also know for a fact that she doesn’t trust me, and she flinches whenever I’m near her and I raise my voice.

I had to do something, though.

She mumbled another apology, tossed the cup and the trash in the trash can, and left. Just like that.

Out of curiosity, I went to the trash and pulled out the Starbucks cup. It was all smashed up, so I had to un-crunch it to read the name.

My suspicions were confirmed.


Anika’s best friend.

A/N: Sorry this one is shorter. I'm going to upload a bunch of these at a time, enjoy! Please leave feedback and vote :)

My Teacher, Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now