By the doors, his twin bodyguards snickered in response.


Two pairs of optics watched the Decepticons from the nearby cliffside. The mecha below were completely unaware they were being watched, going about their business without the knowledge of what was about to happen.

Their business of which, was mining energon from a large cave they'd cut into the rocky cliffside.

What was about to happen, well, not even the two silent observers were totally aware as they hid among the trees.

Mostly silent observers.

"So, how many was our last count?" the younger of the two asked, helm propped up by his hands as he laid on his tank on the ground.

The older one glanced down to the side, glaring at him.

He had asked that question so many times already.

And had been given almost the same answer.

"Ten," hissed the older one in a whisper. He shuffled slightly, adjusting his crouched position. "Same as the last five times you asked."

"Hmm, if I ask five more times it will be once for each Decepticon," mused the younger, twitching his doorwings in what the other guessed was amusement.

There was a silence, which the older was grateful for.

Unfortunately for him, it did not last.

"An' ya missed one," said the younger one quietly.

The older mecha turned his helm back to his annoying partner. "What? Where?"

Narrowing his optics, the smaller mecha lifted a hand, pointing a digit towards the opposite side of the gorge.

Following the other's line of sight and gesture, the older one searched for the 'Con he'd missed.

On the other side of the gorge, on the opposite cliff, there was a large number of trees. Similar to this side, it would provide more than adequate cover for a few small to medium sized Cybertronians.

Scanning the tree line, the older brother searched for what had caught his little brother's optic.

Or rather, who.

Ignoring the snickering from beside him, he continued looking. If it weren't for the situation, and the mecha beside him, he would think that it was a joke.

However, his younger brother, though he might be a trickster at times, wouldn't make up imaginary enemies to distract him.

"Still haven't spotted-" the younger brother began to ask.

"Shut up," growled the older, not moving his gaze from the opposite side.

"Good thing ya brought me along, big brother. Ya might not have seen the big brute if not."

"The-Prime-commanded-that-you-accompany-me. You-know-what-would-have-happened-if-you-refused. And-that's-the-only-reason-you're-here-kid."

The younger mech rolled his optics. "Yeah. Right. Whatever ya say, big brother. Fact is- "



Practically feeling the smirk coming off his brother, the older one looked harder.

"How can he see the Decepticon? I see nothing!"

As if knowing his internal question, the younger reached up to the side of his helm and tapped near his audio receptor. The older watched as a partially translucent visor spanned his brother's faceplate, turning red as he tapped the spot again.

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