Chapter 4

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After the encounter with Harlequin, the three picked up the children and headed back to the tavern. When everyone had sat down, Ban started cooking. The children told the story of Necropolis. Melody sat on the other side of the table and listened to the kids.

"So the boy showed up around a week ago?"

The kids nodded at Melody's question.
"He asked about Necropolis too."
Melody looked puzzled at the children before her.
"He did?"

"Yes but it seems like he didn't find the entrance" The boy said. "You know, only those who shares precious memories with the dead can enter Necropolis.
The boy started eating Bans food again. His sister munching on a chicken drumstick.

Meliodas head popped out of the corner.
"Looks like we'll have to investigate."

After an hour of rooming around in the dead like city Melody and the others stepped into a circle like field. Melody walked right after Ban as flowers started to grow in the valley. A minute later it was filled with beautiful red coloured roses. Amazed Melody took a better look at them and sat on the ground. The little force of her breath hitting the red petals of the flowers sent all of them flying at once. A flower hurricane surrounded all of them and blurred their sight to the outside.
Melody squinted her eyes, trying to see something.
And when the storm finally cleared, the group stood in another world.
Or so it seemed. Green crystals spread all across the floor as far as one could see and the air refreshed their whole bodies at once.

Melody's eyes trailed across the land before them. Never in all her life had she seen something like this. A sudden movement out of the corner of her eye caused her to turn around. Ban was running away from the group and something turquoise followed him in a flash. Melody's eyes widened.


But yet again she was stopped following him as she felt a strong force entering the death's realm. Gritting her teeth Melody pulled her halberd out of the leather belt and let it levitate besides her.
Meliodas and Diane had felt the strong power too and took some steps back.
A girl appeared before them, with her armour she pretty much looked like a holy knight. Her sword lance was pointed at the captain of the seven deadly sins.
Meliodas turned his head to Elizabeth and hawk.
"Run Elizabeth! As far as you can!"

After he had seen Elizabeth running away from the scene, he turned around with a relaxed face. The holy knight chuckled.

"So you're Meliodas dragon sin of wrath. I've heard so much about you already."
A bright lightbulb parted from her lance and flew to Meliodas.
It exploded right before Meliodas and sent him flying. After the captain, Diane attacked the knight but followed Meliodas soon after.

Nervous Melody levitated next to her halberd. Her hand outstretched to the girl under her.
A cocky smile on her lips the black haired knight pointed her sword lance in Melody's direction. Another lightbulb parted from her lance and flew straight to Melody.
With a twitch of Melody's fingers the bulb got cut in a half by the halberd.
Dumbfounded the knight looked at the fairy, but regained her smile shortly after.

"And who might you be little fairy? You aren't one of the seven deadly sins, are you? Tell me your name."

"You go first." Melody coldly stared at the girl under her, the halberd still protecting her side.

"I'm Gira, sadly you didn't prove to be a worthy opponent."
Startled Melody turned around and could barely dodge the explosion Gira was firing at her back. Out of balance Melody stumbled back in the air.
Gira giggled at the scene in front of her.

"Bye, bye little fairy."

Alarmed Melody turned around, but it was too late. A strong force sent her flying along with a sharp pain in her stomach region. A burning sensation filled her front. Minutes had gone by, by the time Melody reached the end of her flight.
She slammed right into a crystal a good distance away from her previous fight.
When her body made impact with the crystal, it cracked and a dull pain spread at her backside.

Trying to fight against the unconsciousness, she opened her eyes again.
It was blurry, but she could see Elizabeth and Hawk attempting to lift a lance and besides them stood a familiar boy.

After the loud noise her impact with the crystal had made, the three of them turned around only to see the fairy leaning against the crystal.

Without any further thoughts King and the other two stormed to the little fairy.
Melody smiled at the sight of her friends and tried to sit up.
Needless to say she failed terribly.
Her sight wavered for a short moment before becoming steady again. Elizabeth and Hawk stood in front of her, while Harlequin kneeled beside her, worry clouding his eyes.
Carefully he helped her to sit up, but as soon as Melody's wings made contact with the wall behind her, she yelped.
Fighting her pain she looked at Harlequin.
"As soon as I can move again, you'll pay for leaving me this long."

Tears streamed down king's face as he hugged his old friend. Melody closed her eyes at the warmth of King.
Sadly Harlequin looked at her wings. One was clearly broken and the other one was badly injured.
Careful not to hurt Melody he transformed Chastifol into his pillow form again and laid Melody on top of it, after that he turned around to Elizabeth and Hawk.
His face serious and stoic.

"I'll go and help them, you stay here and come back when everything is safe again."
Afterwards he flew away with Melody on his pillow.

As soon as King reached the other Sins he flew to Diane. Careful he lowered Melody to the ground and sat her to next to the giant.
He turned his head to Diane, Ban and Meliodas.
"Can you hold her for a second?"
With a flick of his wrist, Chastifol cut the light bulb in a half.
Gira smirked at the fairy king.

"So you're King of the seven deadly sins. Did I hurt your little fairy friend?" She chuckled at the expression Harlequin made. He clenched his fist and starred down at Gira.

"You did this." With a swift motion Chastifol turned itself into a lance and slashed at the holy knight. Gira dodged it and sent some more explosions into King's direction.
In a flash the spirit spear turned into thousands of little kunai and protected him in a huge metal ball.
When the explosions stopped, King transformed Chastifol once again into his spear form. Fast as the light the spear rushed to Gira. At the last moment, Gira dodged it and sent another explosion in the direction of King.
Shortly before it exploded Meliodas rushed over to King and deflected it all to Gira.

"Full Counter!!"

Within seconds she disappeared.
Diane carefully grabbed Melody from the ground and let her sit on her hand. Worried she eyed the wounds of her friend.
"That doesn't look good, Melody. Will you be okay?"
Melody smiled barely holding herself upright. Some Blood was still trickling down her back and her tavern uniform revealed a mad burn in her stomach region.
"I'll be okay, don't worry Diane."

A light started to glow inside her hand and parts of her body began to disappear.
Diane glowed as well, half of her face had already dissolved into thin air.

"Melody! You're disappearing."
Diane screeched.
After the light had touched everyone, Melody and the others stood yet again in the middle of the little valley.

The beautiful roses had vanished all together.
Worried about Melody, King flew over to Diane and checked on Melody.
The fairy laid in the hand of the giant without moving. Diane looked at King.

"She began sleeping the moment we arrived in this world. She has really drained all of her energy to survive those wounds."

"I'm just glad she's alive. I almost thought I had lost her a second Time."


Author: Well I've written the next chapter within three days.
Oh and recently, two of my pictures have been banned for copy writing.
The fun story is, I just use another name, when I upload something drawn by me. (Zerola) If you want to follow me on Deviant art or Weasyl.

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