Chapter 1

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" Look King! I made it!" Melody shouted as she held her newly made outfit in the air. It was a top in the same colors as Kings pullover.
The room was a mess, except the one where King and Melody were sitting. Deformed
sewing attempts were lying around everywhere.
King was working at a pair of shoes, when he looked up.
"Looks good. Even if it's your 100th attempt, " King teased.
As an answer Melody grabbed a deformed t- shirt and threw it in the fairy kings face.
"Maybe I'm just not a natural at everything I do like a certain someone!" Melody said before she turned her face away and puffed her cheek. Annoyed she started working on a pair of trousers that would match her top.
After some minutes of silence Harlequin held out a pair of shoes he had been working on.
"So what do you think?"
Melody's eyes widened. The shoes were dark blue ballerinas out of thin fabric.
" They're beautiful!" she whispered.
"You can have them," King stated. "I don't need them." A light blush spread across his face.

Then why did you made them?
Melody thought, snickering.

With a big smile on her lips, she put the shoes on and flew a looping in the air. In process she bumped her head on the ceiling and came tumbling down again. She held her hand on her hurt head and laughed.
"I've just got a great Idea! Would you like to help me with a dress for Helbram?"
King laughed too "Of co-"

Loud footsteps interrupted Melody's thoughts. She opened her eyes. Bored, Melody looked around. Everything was the same as ever. Rats assembled in the corner of her cell. Water dripped to the ground  right next to her and on the opposite side of the room another woman was chained to the wall.
A week ago, the fairy had fought against some humans  who wanted to collect her wings. She killed them after a short fight, but was later captured by holy knights and thrown into baste prison. After some days the other woman joined her in her prison cell. Apparently she was the daughter of a doctor who was blackmailed by the holy knight Golgius. The poor woman didn't even know why she was captured.
A sigh escaped Melody's lips. The footsteps were headed right for the little room.

Maybe it's the dirty minded old guard again.

She shuddered at the thought of him.
Suddenly the footsteps grew louder and louder until the person stopped right before the cell. Melody perked up her pointy ears.
"That's what I call a fine woman." The guard sneered, his vision fixed on Senette the daughter of the doctor.

Trying to give her some strength, Melody searched eye-contact with her.
It was in vain. The poor woman teared up at the sight of the disgusting, old man.

"Let's see now." Another voice could be heard. This one was also too deep to be a woman.

"Golgius wouldn't mind if we took a little taste don't you think? I'll take the woman, you can have the little fairy over there. She looks pretty too."
Melody was shocked. In the faint light of the prison she could see the old man drooling. Next to him stood a tall man with no shirt and a large scar on his neck and cheek. He had spiky white hair and didn't look at all like a prison guard, more like a prisoner himself.

This doesn't look good! I'll have to get out sooner than I wanted to!
Melody thought gritting her teeth.

"I'm in." The white haired man said.
Melody moved her finger as if she wanted to pull something to her.

I hope it gets here in time!
Melody thought, just as the tall man lied his hand on top of the guards head, smiling deviously.
That was the time the old man realized his mistake.
"Wait, who are you?"
But it was too late. The white haired man crushed the dirtbags head against the iron bars.
Blood splattered on Melody's cheek. After that, he bent the bars against the wall and stepped over the body of the guard. His sharp teeth distorted in a smile.
"Now you're all mine~" He poured.
Slowly the man neared Senette. His eyes filled with hunger, he licked his lips.
He cupped Senettes chin and leveled her head so that she had to look him in the eye.
"I'll be taking what you're body's got" he whispered. Both Melody and Senette closed their eyes.
Please com now!
Melody begged in her thoughts.
The man slipped his hand under the top of the woman.
"I'll be taking what you're body's got hiding right here." He finished his sentence.
Melody squinted her eyes open, only to see the man holding up a large knife in his hand. He mumbled something to himself before he cut the chains that were holding Senettes hands in two half's.

Afterwards he quickly turned his head to Melody.
But after one step he was stopped by really sharp blade pointing against his throat. The fairy's chains shattered to the ground, cut in half. Behind her a hole in the wall.
It seemed like the halberd flew through the wall and shattered the chains over Melody's head.
The fairy stood up, her right hand risen to control her weapon.
"Who are you?" Melody asked, her cold stare directed at the mysterious man.
To her surprise he laughed at her.
"I'm Ban the undead, fox sin of greed and member of the seven deadly sins. If you want to stop me you will need more than just a halberd."
Melody's fist clenched. Her right hand started to direct the weapon back to her. With a swift motion she plucked the halberd in the leather belt on her back. Her eyes examined Ban. A small and nonchalant smile made its way on her lips.

"So you're Ban", a tear escaped Melody's eyes. "Thank you for taking care of her when I- when I couldn't"
Ban wanted to say something but before he could form words a bolt struck through his body and nailed him against the wall. Behind ban stood a holy knight. He was completely covered in an iron amor except for the head, this part almost completely consisted of blueish ranks.
"You're going to die here" The knight shouted.
Ban coughed up blood and it flowed down his chin. Melody's eyes widened.

Suddenly Ban spoke up.
"It's the holy knight Jude! You're going to kill me? And Why is that?"
Melody was baffled.
This knight is completely useless! Doesn't he see that he is fully overpowered? Does he really think they captured Ban because of their power?
Just then ban stabbed Jude in his heart and crashed him against the wall and Jude fell lifeless to the floor.


Author: You may be a bit confused because of the storyline...
I decided that I wouldn't just write about what happens in the anime but in the mangas as well. I'm grateful for any comments or critic you have on this book.

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