Chapter 32

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It's been 4 years since Kayla died.
Lauren's POV
She's been in a coma for a month, it's almost out 1 year anniversary, in a couple months. I haven't really left her side unless it was for a concert, meet and greet, anything like that I was made to go to. But after that is come back hoping she'd wake up. The doctors said if she doesn't wake up in a week they'll pull the plug, when I first heard those words I prayed a million times harder then I already was.
I walked into her hospital room holding flowers to replace the old ones that I got her, that had died. I through the old ones away, then sat in the chair next to her bed. Her body looked lifeless, her Carmel skin was pain, her lips that were always smoothed and soft looked rough from being chapped.
"Hey babe" I started then taking her hand in mine, "I don't know if you can hear me, but I heard if you do talk to someone in a coma they do hear you. Please wake up, I've been feeling empty since you've been here. I don't even remember the last time I smiled that wasn't fake. Please you have to pull through, if not for yourself, for me, your mom, Jason, your fans. Please we need you...I need you. You said forever-" I cut myself off feeling the ball in my throat starting to form. "You said forever, please wake up. And I swear to god if Rylie did this to you I'm the one gonna be going to jail instead of her. Please wake up" I said getting, placing a lingering kiss on her forehead. "I love you please remember that, always remember that" when I sat back down Jason and her mom came walking in.
"Hey we got you something to eat" ms smith told me, handing me a turkey sand which.
"Thanks" I said giving her a half smile.
"Eat it, at least half, your mom said you haven't been eating" I nodded and tried to eat, but I was barley about to eat half of it. This was how it's been for the last month. I'd come in before her family at times, or they'd get here before me. It would mainly just be us, but at times my family would come in when they didn't have anything to do with the band.
While I was holding her hand I felt her grip it.
"Guys I think she's waking up" I informed them. "She's squeezing my hand" I said excitedly.
"I'll get the doctor" her mom said leaving.
"Baby please wake up you're almost there. Please push yourself you can do it" i said motivating her. She was squeezing her eyes softly, trying to open them. Then she let out a moan, opening her eyes. When her eyes were fully open her light blue eyes met my brown ones....wait light blue...what did that mean again?
"Oh my god I'm so glad you're awake" I said pulling her into a hug, fighting tears.
"Yea so am I" she said in a weak voice. I pulled away then Jason hugged her.
"Glad you're awake" he told her.
"Yea so am I. And if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" She asked me.
"Babe stop playing games" I chuckled.
"Babe? Are we like best friends?"
"No. I'm your girlfriend" I said a bit worried.
"No I'm dating Rylie. Jason where's Rylie?"
"'s not here...she's-" Jason was cut off by her mom and the doctor coming in.
"Well it's nice to see you're awake Ms Smith" the doctor told her. ".How are you feeling?"
"My head hurts, besides that I'm doing okay"
"You got it"
"What's your full name?"
"Kayla Ryder Smith Espinosa"
"Do you know the date?"
"Well the last time I checked it was May 23, 2014"
"Do you know who the people are in the room?"
"Yea my mom, brother but I don't who she us what I do know is that she has pretty brown eyes"
I tried fighting tears, that wanted to escape. She doesn't remember the 10 months we've spent together, she doesn't remember me. The doctor asked to talk to us in the hall so we stepped out leaving Kayla in her room.
"Well by the looks of it she has-"
"Amnesia" I said cutting him off, then my tears started falling for my eyes.

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