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Thunder clapped in the sky above her, making Marinette flinch in surprise. However, she didn't have time to register the lightning overhead, as something, or rather someone else was chasing her from behind.

Raindrops pelted against the spotted suit she was running in, and the Miracle Box she clutched tightly to her chest. Hot tears from her cheeks mingled with the water dripping down from her fringe.

"Why are you running, M'Lady?" Chat Noir shouted. "Don't you see we're meant for one another?"

The notion of them being yin and yang meaning they loved each other made her want to throw up, but her vomit had already been wasted on the sight of her mentor disintegrating into dust before her eyes.

Ladybug flung her yo-yo desperately in an attempt to make distance, but the deep cut on her dominant arm caused the weapon to bounce off of a lamppost instead.

All of a sudden, a body was thrown into her side, making her clutch it in pain as Chat Noir pinned her down with his own weight.

"Don't you see that I love you, Bugaboo," he whispered in her ear, making an involuntary shiver of disgust roll down her spine.

Marinette rammed her forehead into his, the force of it making him stumble back in pain. She used it to her advantage, scrambling backwards before running across the rooftops again.

In the distance, a baton extended, closing in on where she was. In a final plea, she opened the Miracle Box frantically, and pulled out the Horse miraculous.

Kaalki morphed out of thin air, already aware of what Chat Noir had done because of Wayzz's summary. Flying beside Ladybug as her feet pounded against concrete, the kwami readied herself to teleport the Guardian away on their command.

Sure enough, when Chat Noir extended his baton upwards, bringing himself with it, she exclaimed, "Somewhere safe Kaalki, now!"


"No!" Chat Noir bellowed, however, it was pointless. By the time he had landed on the ground where Ladybug had been, the portal had closed, leaving a smear of blood behind and an infuriated Adrien Agreste.


Poison Ivy lifted her arm up, a nearby plant twisting its shape to coil around a security camera, and crack the screen.

The woman then proceeded to command a stalk to ram its way into a condo's window, its shards clattering against the carpeted floor inside.

Harley Quinn chuckled, and said, "Gotta make a dramatic entrance, don't ya, Ivy."

She scoffed and fondly rolled her eyes at the statement, and was about to walk through the destroyed window when a scream tore through the air.

Whipping their heads around, the two caught sight of a young girl falling from the sky, with what appeared to be a portal closing in midair behind her.

What caused them to act was when they caught a glimpse of the blood and scars littering her body, along with the exhaustion clearly imminent on the small girl's face.

Ivy made the grassy ground beneath her grow upwards, while at the same time causing a large stalk to appear from the ground, cracks surrounding the terrain from where it formed.

Large pink petals bloomed from the top of the stem, as they opened up to show off their pollen centre. The girl landed in the yellow area, a thump showing that Ivy had saved her.

Lifting Harley up from the ground with a vine, the women looked down onto the flower, only to see the young girl passed out from exhaustion and her pain.

Harley gasped, and immediately jumped down to the area where the girl was. There, sat more than a dozen creatures around her, all cuddling up to keep her warm and safe.

"What on Earth...?" Ivy asked, but soon cut herself off when she saw the serious injuries the girl had.

"Harley, I'm going to take us home," she decided. "Stay in the flower with the girl and those animals."

The pale pink petals closed and made a protective cover around them, soon after Harley Quinn nodded in agreement.

Crouching down to Marinette, Harley glanced over the damage, before addressing the kwami with, "So...who wants to tell Harley what the hell this cutie pie is doing alone and bleeding?"

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