The Kiss

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The next morning I wake up so happy and ready to go at 8am. I get changed into a white, lacy, cute, short dress with no sleeves. I put on white high heeled shoes and put my make up on. I go downstairs and into the dining room area, where there is a huge brown wooden table where we all eat. I notice Hef and Crystal aren't even awake yet.
One of the staff comes through from the kitchen and smiles at me.
"Hi, can I get some breakfast?" I said trying not to sound rude, when I could easily make it myself.
"You have a phone in your room. You can just phone down and ask for breakfast and we will bring it to you." He said smiling.
Wait seriously? Oh that's sweet! But I didn't want to be rude or disrespectful.
"No no I'm fine. Can I have...I don't know..what do you have?" I asked politely.
"Well...anything. We can do you anything Miss..?" He said asking me for my second name.
"Munro." I said quickly.
"What can we get you?" He said.
"Erm. Can I have some sausage, beans, toast, mushrooms and egg." I said. A soon as I said it I felt so rude and mean. Why was I mean to him. That was a lot of food as well.
"What would you like to drink mam? He asked once more.
Mam? This is so nice. Ive never been treated so well. "Milk please." I said.
He nodded and went straight into the kitchen.
"Hey girl" crystal said coming into the dining room and sitting in one of the seats beside me.
"Sorry I wasn't up early. We are really lazy here. we usually don't get up till gone 10am." She laughs.
The staff comes in with my breakfast and drink and I scoff it down. I feel awkward because Crystal just has a banana and water. After breakfast, we get up and she's shows me around outside.
"Theses are the birds." She says pointing to the birds in the huge catch.
"Woah" Is all I could say.
"The gym is down there and you can go to the grotto anytime you want. Hef will be upstairs working on his scrap book. I'll be down at the grotto with some of the new playmates coming in today to do there test shoot. You can come later to see the shoot if you want?" Crystal says.
I go back up to my room and see Hef walking down the corridor. Hey spots me and waves. "Hello gorgeous." Hef says hugging me warmly.
"Hey Hef" I said smiling.
"Crystal just gone down to the grotto." He said.
"Yeah I'm going to get changed now and go down." I said.
"I'll be down then." He said jokingly and laughed. I laughed back and kissed his cheek and went into my room. I saw my bed was made and every thing was tidy. I also saw some clothes on my bed. There was a playboy top that had the logo on it. A bikini with playboy logo on it and playboy joggers. This was perfect. Thank you so much Hef. I thought to myself.
I got changed into the new bikini and went downstairs. I walked up to the grotto and saw Crystal with her feet in the pool.
Chelsea was there and she hugged me then jumped into the pool. "Hey everyone. This is Sophia who will be staying with us for a week!" Crystal said to everyone and they came to greet me.
I sat down beside Crystal and smiled at her. "What times the girls shoot?" I asked.
"2pm. They're warming up in the pool now. Poor girls are nervous as hell." She said.
"I would be too." I chuckled.
"Well hello there." Hef said coming up behind us and standing over us. Crystal lifted her head up and he leant down to kiss her lips. They are so beautiful together, just wish I had that. I smile and Hef leant down and kissed my cheek.
"Hey baby" Crystal said and, he put his hand on her shoulder and she squeezed it lightly. They are so affectionate to one another.
It was 1:30 and the playmates were getting ready to leave to do there shoot. Crystal hoped in the car and so did I. she drove us to the playboy studio where they do the photo shoot.
The 3 girls got there make up done and ready. They got undressed and stood in front of the camera. The girls were completely naked and crystal and i were just watching them do this photo shoot. No one was judging me and no one was looking at me or calling me a lesbian. Everyone was completely acting normal and this was normal for them. You don't get this in London.
"Bet your not used to this." Crystal said chuckling quietly.
"I grew up reading the magazine and looking at the pictures. I saw this on TV and it was completely normal for me, but seeing this in real life, it's a lot more graphic." I laughed.
She put her arm around me and smiled. "This is normal for me. I love doing this. Plus I get paid for doing work around the mansion and helping out the girls here. It's basically a job for me." She said.
We got back home and I went up into my room. Hef came in wearing his red robe, and sat down beside me. He just looked at me and smiled. At that point I just seriously wanted to kiss him, but that's cheating. I could never do that to Crystal. He loves her and I know he's has more than one girlfriend before. One time he even had 8 but I don't feel right kissing someone else if they're got a girlfriend. It wouldn't be right at all.
"You looked lovely in that bikini. I'm glad I chose that one for you." He said putting his arm on my shoulder.
"I'm glad too." I said smiling.
"Now. Let's talk about your letter." He said and pulled it out of his pocket. I smiled and went all shy.
"This is a lovely letter Sophia. You should be a writer. You hand writing is spot on, and what you said was really down to earth. You also said in your letter that you were nervous to send this letter, but I'm glad you did, because if you didn't then you wouldn't be here with me today." He said hugging me.
"Thank you Hef. That means so much to me to hear that come from you. You are such a inspiration." I said.
"I was speaking to your mom on the phone earlier. She's a lovely woman, she brought you up right, with manners and your very respectful. You don't get many people like that anymore." He adds.
"You spoke to my mom?" I said.
"Yes. I phoned her to give her updates on how everything was and I'm going to be phoning her everyday to tell her whats going on. Just so she knows your safe. She's very protective over you." He said.
"Yeh she's great." I said chuckling. He got up and I got up.
"Do you want to go on a date sometime Sophia?" He adds. My eyes widen and I'm shocked by what I just heard. YES OH MY GOD. Calm Sophia calm.
"I would love to." I said calmly and hugged him.
He leaned in and I let him peck my lips. His lips were so soft and warm. It was amazing. I don't care about age. We pulled away and I opened my eyes back up. He smiled and then walked out.
I went back downstairs and saw Crystal taking selfies of her outfits.
"Hey do you want to take one with me?" She asked. "I'm posting them on Twitter." She said.
"Sure" I said smiling and we both smiled.
She looked down and then back up at me after we took the selfie. "Your boobs are huge." She said laughing. I've never had a girl say that to me before. I was shocked. "what size are they?" She added.

"Well in the UK they are 34DD but I don't know what they would be in America." I said laughing.

She laughed and said "jeez mine are only 34D but it's weird. Mine look bigger for some reason." She laughed.

"Yeah they do don't they, but I have a breast bone that won't let me have a cleavage, so I just wear normal bras and I have no cleavage. That's why my boobs look smaller." I smirked and chuckled.

She smiled and posted it on Twitter and tagged me in it.

"Want to get some dinner?" She says.

"Yes!" I said smiling.

"Some of the girls are coming over as well. So just order what you want then they will be over." She said and we sat down at the dining table.

"How may I help you two?" One of the butlers ask.

"Can I have a jacket potato with tuna please?" I said smiling.

"Can I have a salad a jacket potato and tuna as well then." Crystal laughed.

When they went to make our food, the girls started to come in and order some food as well.

"How do you like it here?" A girl asks.

"It's amazing here. Everyone is so nice and wonderful polite people." I said back.

They came out with our food and we started to eat. Hef came downstairs and sat at the top of the table.

"How are all my girls doing?" He says.

"Great!" We all say together and burst out laughing.

"Who wants to play a little monopoly?" He asks just as I finish my food.

We get up and go to the corner and sit on the desk. "Here you go." He hands me the dice and we all start playing.


At 8pm I start getting tired and Hef and crystal took me upstairs and I laid on the bed. Crystal and Hef said goodnight and went to bed.

I got a phone call from my mom again.

"Morning sweetie." She said smiling.

"Goodnight mom" I joked.

"Your going to bed at 8pm?" She asked wondering.

"I'm just tired and confused about the time still." I said and we said goodnight and I went on Twitter.

@LosAngelesNews: "Hugh Hefner's new girlfriend. No longer a one woman man. His new girlfriend showed up in a plane last week and his wife Crystal Hefner picked her up. This new girlfriend is Sophia Munro, 18 years old, from London England."

I saw I was tagged in on Twitter...great.

I noticed some people from school had tweeted me as well.

"Your so lucky!"

"Holy shit. Your shagging Hugh Hefner! He's like 90!"

"Your dating a 87 year old man?"

I pulled out my diary and started to write violently. As i felt upset and annoyed.

I must of fallen asleep while writing my diary.

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