•s.u ~> broken•

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I've been doing a lot of stan and rich lately,, they are LOVED
my bubs requested this, ahhh!! SweetlyxBitter

I kinda wanted to make this angsty,,
If thats not what you wanted,, im sorry bubs!!

Play the music when you see: **
i felt like it would fit :)
Its IT Chapter Two Ost - Bar Mitzvah

I copied stan's letter bit by bit, but the audio said different things, so i included some things from that and the letter.

This is a SweetlyxBitter x Stan! Not a Y/N x Stan!

**lowercase intended!**
Please don't steal my work ^^
She has this kind of style:

**lowercase intended!**Please don't steal my work ^^ She has this kind of style:

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the losers sat around the table which was filled to the brim with different sorts of food, each one of them eating what they like.

"so wait, eddie you got married?!" richie blurts out in a drunken state, staring at him with heart eyes.

"yeah, whats it to you, dickwad?" eddie hissed, rolling his eyes at richie, who was currently a bit heartbroken at the fact.

"what, to like a woman?" he laughed, eddie didn't find that funny. glaring at him, he chugged down a shot, slamming the little glass container down onto the table. surprisingly, it didn't break.

"so, when's faith and stan arriving?" bill asked, somehow not stuttering. the room had went silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop. everyone looked around, none of them speaking at all.

"y-you know what? i'll call her." beverly broke the silence as it was getting awkward, before rising from her seat and heading outside, phone in hand.

she pressed a few of the numbers, before dialling faith's number. stopping on the concrete floor, she waited for her to pick up. faith had answered, but it wasn't what bev had expected.

"be-bev? o-oh m-my g-g-god.." faith mumbled, bev heard water in the background, as well as faith's sobbing, she was instantly concerned.

"faith?! wh-what's going on?!" she desperately called for an answer, faith paused, the sound of her unsteady breathing filling the speaker.

"i-its stan," faith had only begun speaking, but beverly already knew what had happened. "stan.. stan stan stan.. he-he..."

"it happened.. didn't it?.." beverly interrupted her, feeling tears already well up in her eyes. the rest of the losers piled outside, hearing the audio of the call. bev had put it on speaker.

"he-he's gone! h-he's in the b-bathtub.. st-stan.. he-he's gone!" she sobbed, her cries were so sorrowful, you could feel her grief.

"i-i'm so sorry, i n-n-need a moment." faith had cried, before hanging up. beverly placed her phone back into her jacket pocket, turning around with tear stains down her cheeks.


"i'm not doing this, i'm not doing this." richie grumbled, grasping his car keys and unlocking his car. eddie did the same, both of them driving off somewhere else.

Months later...

faith sat at her desk, placing the last puzzle piece into the designated spot. she smiled sadly, looking at the picture as a whole.

"stan would've loved this." she mumbled, sliding her fingertips over the edges, before her phone started to ring and buzz. faith picked it up, answering straight away.

"hello?" she greeted, listening for the voice that was about to speak. it was mike.

"hey faith. how are you?" he greeted back, she smiled gently, tapping her fingers on the puzzle.

"oh, i'm fine. i just finished stan's puzzle. how are you?" she answered, looking at each puzzle piece individually, admiring their picture parts.

"ah, i'm good, thanks for asking. have you got the letter?" mike asked, faith raised an eyebrow, looking at the pile of letters on the corner of her desk.

"what letter?.." she confusedly asked, mike shook his head, mumbling a 'nevermind'. they talked for a while before he had to go. faith searched through her pile of letters, finally finding a letter addressed to her.

she ripped it open, staring at the folded letter in front of her, reading each word carefully.


dear losers,

i know what this must seem like, but this isn't a suicide note. you're probably wondering why i did what i did. it's because i knew i was too scared to go back. and if we weren't together? if all of us alive weren't united? i knew we'd all die. so, i made the only logical move. i took myself off the board. did it work?

faith crumbled into sorrowful pieces, tears already bursting out as she calmly wiped them from underneath her glasses.

well, if you're reading this... then you know the answer. i lived my whole life afraid. afraid of what i might leave behind. don't be. be who you want to be. be proud. and if you find someone worth holding onto? never ever, fucking let them go.

"b-but stan.. i held onto you.. b-but you let go." she mumbled, staring at the sheet of paper with tears dribbling onto them.

follow your own path, wherever that takes you. i know i told you this wasn't a suicide note, and it isn't. think of this letter, as a promise. a promise i'm asking you to make, to me,

"i-i promise, whatever i-it is st-stan." a small smile crept onto her face.

to each other, an oath. see, the thing about being a loser is, you have nothing to lose. so, be true, be brave, stand, and believe. and don't ever forget, we're losers and we always will be.

and faith, if you're reading this,

i love you. don't hold back on those tears when you read this.

thank you.


faith had followed that instruction, bursting into more tears, laying the letter down on the desk and cried. all she could do was cry. her eyes were red and puffy, her head throbbed as she brought her hands to her eyes.

she was broken, just as she was before.


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