Hope u liked da meme

769 21 57

Windows Explorer=Error

Nootmare=Nightmare (No duh)

Fruit loops: Killer

Dusty Baker: Dust


-insert your favourite music playing in the background-

Narrator: It's a lovely day,

Birds are singing,

Flowers are blooming,

On days like this,

Kids like you


-plot twist the narrator is actually a strict Asian mother:(-

Windows Explorer: NOOTMARE LO-

Nootmare: AHHHH -Smacks Windows expl- Error in da head with a frying pan👁👄👁-

-Windows_Explorer.EXE has stopped working-

Fruit loops: WAIT- -does a thanos snap-

-suddenly the setting changes to a humongous tower and Nootmare has bootiful long lushes hair:)-

Nootmare: o-o

Narrator: -steps out of scene-

Dusty Baker: -runs in with one of those commercial thingys- 3. 2. 1. ACTION -Snaps it shut and naruto runs off set-

Nootmare: -yeets Error into a closet-

Killer: 👌👌👌👌

Everyone: 👌👌👌👌🖕✌

Windows Explorer: 🖕👁👄👁🔪

Everyone: o-o

Narrator: Coming to you live in theaters today -winks-

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