Chapter Two

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Fucking shit.

"Was that-" Sam asked, cut off by me in a panic.

"Yes it was her!!" I said, looking up and taking a deep breath. "Fuck dude..."

"Why is she here??" Sam asked, rubbing my shoulder trying to calm down. It obviously wasn't working.

"This is her hometown...I fucking forgot bro...and now I can't even talk to her." I said with a sigh, crossing my arms and looking around in frustration.

Sam sighed. "Do you wanna go look for her?" He asked.

"'s no use. She doesn't wanna talk to me anyways. It's best if she's happy." I said, sighing and walking back into the building.

After awhile I decided to walk home. I walked inside to Carrie cooking and it smelt delicious.

Did I mention that my dad and Carrie are dating now? Ever since my mom left, Carrie has been really close to my father. I can talk to Carrie about anything so I like having her around here.

I walked into the kitchen and fixed a glass of water. "It smells awesome. What are you making?" I asked.

"Garlic chicken." She said with a smile. "What's up? You look upset."

I sighed and sat on the counter. "It's um..not that important-" I said, cut off by her.

"No! If you're upset it's important! Come on...tell me!" She said with a giggle.

"I know this sounds crazy...b-but I saw Colby." I said, looking over at her.

"You...saw Colby? Colby Brock? The boy who broke your heart?" She asked in shock.

"Y-Yes..." I said, looking down.

All of a sudden, Carrie was all excited and giggling.

"W-What..?" I asked, confused on why she thinks my emotions are funny.


I love Carrie, I really do. But this girl is crazy i'll tell you that.

"What'd you tell me again?" I asked, confused.

"That if y'alls relationship is meant to be, the universe will bring you together again! AVANI I TOLD YOU I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!!" She said with a big smile.

" want me to get back together with Colby?" I asked.

"Not just me, baby. The UNIVERSE!" She said, taking the chicken off the pans and putting it in a tray.

"The universe wants me to get back together with my ex boyfriend?" I said, completely confused.

"Absolutely." She said, smiling.

"Alright." I said, walking outside.

I need some fresh air. I definitely lost some braincells from that conversation.

I sat down on the patio and wrapped a blanket around me. It wasn't to cold outside but it was definitely perfect for blanket weather.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Carrie said about the universe wanting us together. How could she know that? Maybe it was just a coincidence that I saw him. Maybe it wasn't even Colby! Maybe it was just a random boy who looked like Colby who knew exactly what my name was! Yep, going with that last one.

All of a sudden, I felt my phone vibrate. I picked it up to see another notification from a random number.

What do these stupid kids want now??


random- Jake can you get the car keys from my bag then bring them downstairs to me?

avani- I'm not Jake and I don't know what this is but im definitely not a boy.

random- Jake stop playin bro😂😂

avani- God damn im really not jake. 🤡🤡

After that, I was left on read for a bit until my phone went off with another text from them.


random- my bad!! So sorry about that I guess some numbers got mixed up whenever I got my new phone.

avani- hey it's alright. 😂

random- wanna talk though? i'm bored and my friends are being boring.

avani- Idk...

random- come on..please? i'm a friendly guy!

avani- fine. only if you tell me about yourself first.

random- fine. my name is Cole. I have friends. I have brown hair. I like food.

avani- Nice name Cole. But i'm not sharing my name for privacy reasons. ☺️☺️

random- Damn you rly had to do that to me

avani- yupp! Talk to ya later

random- byyyyeeeeee

A/N who do yall think the "random texter" is? 😉😉😉

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