"How bout that one?"I asked.

"That's too violent"she said.

"That one?"I asked again.

"I heard it wasn't that good... how bout this one?"she said as she pointed at some chick-flick movie.

"Really?" I said.

"Yeah.. I've been wanting to see that. Please?"she said as she bats her eyes at me.

"Okay. I'll get the tickets, you go on and get the snacks okay?"I instructed.

"Okay"she replied and made her way to the snack stand.

I walked over and lined up to buy tickets.

"Two tickets for Broken Promises please"I said.

"And then we can go buy a gift for P'Jeed"a voice from behind me said, a voice I indeed was familiar with.

I turned around and saw Tharn with the guy he was with this morning in line to buy tickets as well.

"Tharn?"I said.

"Ah.. Ai'Type... what are you doing here?on a date?"he asked.

Him asking me this made me feel a bit pissed off.

"Hmm..yeah. and you?"I asked.

"Same. Let me introduce you. Ran this is Type my roommate. Type,he's Ran. P'Jeed's cousin"he said.

"Nice to meet you P'Type. P'Tharn told me a lot about you"he said nicely.

"What movie are you watching Type?"Tharn asked.

"Uh..she chose it"I answered.

"Oh. I thought you'd definitely watch the horror or action one. We're watching Curse of the Forsaken"Tharn said.

"Yeah.. who would've thought we had the same taste in everything. I think you were made for me  P'Tharn"Ran said as he linked his hands around Tharn's arm.

I wanted to puke, this guy was definitely annoying.

"I know, why don't you come with us tomorrow. Tharn is playing at P'Jeeds bar. You can bring your date and some friends"Ran invited.

"N'Ran, it's fine. Type might be busy-"Tharn begun but I cut him off.

"Oh I'll come" I said as I semi-glared at Ran but tried not to look obvious.

"You are?"Tharn asked,a bit surprised.

"Well then, that settles it. See you tomorrow at 6pm Type"Ran said,smirking.

"Well, enjoy your movie..excuse me"I said as paid,took my tickets and met with Puifai at the snack stand.

"Are you okay?You look pissed off"she observed

"It's nothing. I just fought with someone in line. Let's just go"I said as I took the food from her and we made our way inside the theater.

The movie played and already I felt bored. Never in a million years would I be caught watching this trash..or so I thought. I sighed, Tharn and his date must be enjoying the movie. The guy Ran, I just want to punch him in the face so bad.

'No!what are you thinking Type?You are definitely not jealous!' I thought to myself.

Puifai leaned closer and rested her head on my shoulders. I turned to look at her and saw Tharn in front of me instead of her. I was a bit confused, he leans in and kisses my lips. I closed my eyes and kissed back, as I reached out to cup his face I was touching someone with long hair. I opened my eyes and saw that Puifai was the one I've been kissing all along.

'Fuck!Why am I imagining that guy's face? I should be happy a beautiful girl just kissed me'I thought.

But I didn't feel anything, I felt more turned on with Tharn's kisses. I shake my head trying to shrug it off.

"Ai'Type... what's wrong?"she asked with concern in her voice.

"Nothing, I am fine"I lied.

She held my hand, I returned to looking at the movie screen and being bored out of my mind. After almost 2 hours of torture, the movie finally ended. I couldn't be more thrilled to get out of there.

"Did you want to go eat something?"Puifai asked.

"Umm.. maybe we should just call it a night. I'll take you home" I suggested.

"Au. It's too early. Aren't you hungry?"she insisted.

"I am tired, I just want to go home"I yelled.

"Type, why are you yelling at me?Did I do something wrong?"she asked.a bit surprised by my words.

"I...I'm sorry. I don't feel too well all of a sudden. I'll make it up to you?"I apologized.

"Ok. I'm sorry too for being persistent. Yeah, you better make up for it" she smiled.

We made our way towards the parking lot and then I took her back to her apartment.

"Did you want to come up?"she asked.

"Maybe some other time"I replied.

"Ok. I'm going in. I'll message you later.Good night"she said.

"Good night" I replied.

She smiled,leaned in and kissed me on the lips. She then turned around and made her way into her apartment.

By the time I arrived at the dorm, Tharn had just gotten there too.

"Ah, you're back too"he said.

"Yeah,didn't want to stay out too late" I lied.

"I see. I'm glad you're coming tomorrow Type"he said.

"That Ran guy, he seems to like you a lot"I said.

He sits on the bed and smirked.

"I think so too. Why?Are you jealous?"he teased.

"Jealous my ass!"I yelled, my face turning red.

All of a sudden, my tummy growled loudly. He and I were surprised but then he laughed out loud.

"Stop laughing, it's not funny" I yelled,feeling embarassed.

"You are too darn cute. I'll heat up the food you bought for me this morning"he said as he got up,transferred the food onto a plate and heated it up in the microwave.

"Eat it once it's done,I'm just going to take a quick shower. Make sure you eat a lot okay?"he instructed.

"How about you?Aren't you hungry?We can just share it" I said.

"It's okay. Me and Ran ate a big meal before the movie"he said as he took his towel,a change of clothes and went in the bathroom.

'Ran... even his name sounds annoying' I said as I took the food out and started eating.

[To be continued]

A/N: What the hell Type?make up your damn mind already!!

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