Abhi : How dare you

Pra : How dare I? How dare you to hit me deliberately?

Abhi : oh excuse me.. What did you think of yourself? Ms. Universe? I don't have any interest to hit on you by all means. Forget hitting even having a glance at such inhuman people is a sin. So don't think that the whole world revolves around you. I can lodge complaint against you for violence but I'm a human and that's the reason I'm letting it go. Don't ever show your face to me. What everyone says is true. You are a lady Hitler.

Saying so he storms while Pragya fumes as this is the first time someone dared to answer her back and to the top of it insulting. She walks off furiously. The people present in that place starts whispering about the drama that happened before them. Abhi friends Omi, Neil, Harman and Shivani looked everything with open mouth.

Abhi comes to them with the remaining drinks with a irked mind.

Omi : Abhi, what did you do yaar?

Abhi : Matlab? What do you mean by what did I do? Didn't you see how badly she behaved with me?

Zain : arey yaar, she's like that to everyone but what did you do to her? How can you behave so rude with her? Didn't you know who she is.

Abhi : who? Queen Victoria?

Neil : arey she's Pragya Arora. Shekhar Arora's daughter.

Abhi looked shocked.

Abhi : you mean central minister Shekhar Arora?

Everyone nods a pitiful yes. Abhi sighs defeated..

Abhi"what an awesome start for my first day"

Later in the evening Raima found Abhi coming towards her but he seems to be totally lost in something. She really expected for him to talk with her but he just walked past her as his mind is only occupied by Pragya and what she'll do to him for her insult. Raima felt disappointed but decided to call him herself.

Rai : Hi Abhi

Abhi : hey hi... Oops sorry i forgot your name. You are the one that lady Hitler failed to help right?

Raima's face fell at the thing that he remembers her only because of pragya and even remembers her as Lady hilter but failed to remember her name. Abhi looked weird at her. He swayed his hands in front of her.

Abhi : hello.. Excuse me.. Where are you lost?

Rai : Woh nothing.. I'm Raima.. Raima Bose..

Abhi : oh sorry Raima because of thinking about that Pragya I'm forgetting many things.

Raima face becomes gloomy when he says that he's thinking about pragya who he not even met and forgot her in her thoughts.

Rai (with a tint of Jealousy) : what's there to think about pragya? You have not even met her properly.

Abhi : oh so you don't know anything.

Raima nods confused yet cute.

Abhi : aww you are so cute and innocent that you don't know that today I'm the victim of that lady mogombo's anger.

Raima who was flying with his cute word falls down the moment when he gave a new nickname for pragya.

Rai (hiding her emotions) : btw what happened between you and pragya?

Abhi narrated the afternoon incident.

Raima placed her hand on his arm

Rai : oh no Abhi .. Please be careful. She's very dangerous. Just because her father is central minister she thinks herself to be Jhansi Rani. Please never ever cross paths with her again.
Abhi nodded and gives her a smile. Raima feels her cheeks heating up and bids him bye before he could catch her blushing .

Abhi reached his bike and searched for his keys but couldn't find them. He then realised keeping it below the desk and hits his forehead. He goes back to his class only to find slight sobs. He gets confused and looks around but couldn't find anyone. He ignored it and walks forward but still heard it. He looks carefully only to find a person dressed in yellow sobbing quietly sniffing with her palms closed on her mouth. When Abhi observed carefully it turns out to be none other pragya. Abhi eyes popped out of his socket to see Ms. Lady Mogambo crying. For the first time in the whole day he found her totally vulnerable. Something in him asked him to not move from the place.
He stood there watching her when all of a sudden her mobile started ringing. She picked it up and gasps seeing the caller id. She immediately wipes her tears and answers

Pra : Hello papa.. Yeah I'm fine? What? Someone misbehaved with me? No papa its wrong information. I'm all fine. Please stop sending spies around me. I. Know after what happened it's natural for you to behave this way but I need my privacy too papa. Please understand I'm a grown up girl and you can't baby sit me all the time. I did learnt from past and I won't repeat it again. So please this should be the last time. You have my swear papa. OK I believe you. Yeah I'm just busy in library.. I'll come in few minutes. Bye papa.. Love you.

Pragya cuts the call and starts leaving. Abhi understood that the whole world doesn't see the real Pragya. Something made her turn like this else she wouldn't have saved him from her papa. All of a sudden he's more curious about her and her past. He decides to find it somehow and leaves with Pragya occupying all his mind.

To be continued...

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