‘I’M IN LABOUR, FRED! DO SOMETHING!’ Hermione yelled and Fred got to his feet instantly. He started to mutter out loud and pace the room. Hermione started to pant slightly as she felt continual pain of early labour and she glared at Fred, ‘if only we had an owl, we could send for someone!’

‘Don’t start!’ Fred yelled back at her. Hermione reached for his hand and squeezed it as Fred knelt next to her. He managed to make her look at him and he stared into her eyes, ‘I’m going to apparate to Harry’s and get his owl and come right back. Will you be okay?’

‘It’s very early, Fred, I’ll be fine. Just go!’ Hermione said, ushering him away.


*Fred’s POV*

Fred disapparated in Harry’s empty house in a complete daze. Even the indefinite thought of becoming a father didn't appeal for his emotions. He was scared – beyond scared. He was petrified.

Fred hadn’t been thinking of where he was going and he bumped into Ron as he came out of the kitchen. Ron fell backwards against the doorway and glared at him but Fred was too out of his mind with worry to even care.

‘What are you doing here?’ Ron asked, watching Fred jog into Harry’s room. Ron followed him and watched as Fred grabbed Harry’s cage where an owl was hooting softly in its sleep. Ron stopped Fred by grabbing his arm, ‘what the hell is going on?’

‘Hermione, she’s... in labour!’ Fred moaned and managed to push Ron away from him.

Fred disapparated and had no idea how he arrived home rather than somewhere else – he wasn’t thinking straight. He could hear Hermione bustling about in the room, she was probably getting a bag ready to take to the hospital. A deep breath filled Fred’s lungs and he dispelled it, calming down slightly. Fred found some parchment and quickly scrawled a letter to Percy explaining why he cant come to work. The other letter was for Hermione’s mid wife, explaining her labour and pains. Fred sent the mid wife letter first and then checked on Hermione.

‘Ooof!’ Hermione squealed, sitting down on the bed. Fred sat next to her and she turned to him with a smile on her face, a bag full of clothes was zipped up on the floor next to the bed, ‘the pains are still bearable.’

‘Did you... clean the room?’ asked Fred, noticing how the dresser looked spotless and the bed was made perfectly.

‘I had to take my mind off the fact that I was in labour, Fred!’ Hermione said, wincing a little as her hand went to her back, ‘I’m terrified.’

‘So am I,’ Fred said and he was glad to hear Hermione chuckle. He kissed her cheek, ‘I’ve sent an owl to your mid wife, she should be getting back to us soon.’

Hermione winced again but now she closed her eyes in pain too. She breathed uncomfortably after the pain disappeared and she wanted to walk around, complaining that she was hungry. Fred lead her to the kitchen but she insisted on getting food by herself. He was about to argue but Harry’s owl was back so Fred rushed to the window. He opened it and a light breeze floated into the room which Hermione felt wonderful as she was sweating slightly. Fred detached the letter and then sent the other one for Percy before he read the letter that had arrived.

Dear Fred,

This is a huge moment for you and Hermione. You’re going to be parents for the very first time and I know you are scared (I judged from the shaky handwriting) and Hermione must be worrying so much but you must keep her calm.

She is in an early labour stage and can not worry or else she will start to rush things and that is the last thing she needs. Make her tea with lots of sugar if she wants it and make sure she takes her mind off it. Let her take a shower if she wishes or even clean the house as most pregnant women like to do. She will be a little edgy and angry but be patient and loving. If she is wincing from the pain then I assume the early stage will last about half an hour and then she will start getting contractions.

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