I felt Link's arm wound around my waist. Finally, he was returning my affection. I smiled as he hugged me into his chest, his face dropping to nuzzle the side of my cheek. "Look at us, apologising and shit. We really are growing up."

"We're a family now. Guess we're growing up and old together." I said as my eyelids started to close, pleasure starting to build up inside me all because of the light trial of kisses Link was leaving on the side of my neck. He pushed my top aside and kissed my collar bone, dragging his kisses further down-

"Get a room."

I jumped back so I hit the wall with my head. I looked up, then down and found the owner of the voice. Palmer stood staring up at us, a smile across her tired face. "If you want, I can have Joy stay with me and you guys can go to a hotel or something."

I gaped at her. Palmer was like my mum. She could not have suggested something else that would have made me turn as beetroot as that.

"I'll get one of the boys to stay with you and help with Joy. We'll pick her up in the morning." Link said to his aunt, grabbing my hand and tugging me down the stairs. He clearly didn't care how scandalous this all was.

I yanked out of his grip. "We can't just leave Joy!" I told him incredulously.

Link smiled at me and this time, it reached his eyes. "We can take our daughter but you have to explain to her why mummy and daddy are in the room for hours playing how long can mummy scream."

Moments later, I stomped up the stairs towards the room Joy was in. I was so red in the face I could feel the heat emitting out from me. But excitement boiled up inside me too. I opened the door slowly so not to frighten the girls but surprisingly found them both asleep.

I tip toed towards Joy and lightly pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'll be here when you wake up."

I could imagine the thrill Joy would have once she woke up and found to be at Palmer's house. And knowing how much Palmer loved Joy and loved baking, she would give her the best morning ever.

With that thought, I walked out the bedroom and met a smirking Link who was still on the staircase. "Let's see how long you can make me scream then." I joked with him with a roll of my eyes.

"You'll lose your voice by the end of the night. And who knows, we might make another Link junior."

I snarled at him. "You wish!"

Link grabbed my waist as I came by his step. "I really do. But let's settle in first and talk about that later." He dropped his head to nuzzle my neck again. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I sighed. I was filled with content, filled to the brim. And this hardship in life, all the crying alone in the dark of the uncertainty, all the loneliness the last six years had filled me with led to this. Tugged close to Link, the father of my Joy and the promise of a better life.

And I just knew Link would give me that and more.



> first of all, I would like to say how long I have worked on this book. It's insane. And I loved every second of it. I legit had two pregnancies and two births whilst writing this book. We got there in the end, and I wouldn't have done it without you guys always being there with your love and support. I'm not even exaggerating. All the messages and the constant questions as to when I was going to update got me off my ass and doing this shit. So thank you and I love you.

> you may or may not like how it ended but I do. I think it's just enough and simple. I hope you guys understand and hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

> this book helped me create this base for my next series, the Bounty Hunters. If you're interested to see how Lucian's men handle the love but with more adult content and material then go check out Lucian (book 1 in the series). I've already got chapters up for it!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! You guys are the best!! If you guys ever want to talk or even be friends message me on snap! Naja_x3 I already chat to loads of you over there!

Bye for now
- n

Bye for now- n

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