I let out of breath of relieve knowing that I've lifted some weight of my shoulders. I still had some secrets that I kept to myself. But my relive was cut short when they both asked,
" oh she has two quirks you say ,mind telling"
" you still haven't explained why she acts like a toddler"

Choosing the to answer the first question " as I've mentioned she fell from the sky with lightening it seems that the lighting gave her some sort of powers which include electrification and amazing speed and since it's not entirely a quirk it doesn't have any negative effect , she acclaimed that she got this 'quirk' because before she passed out in her world she saw a bolt of lightening and because of traveling between different dimensions caused her molecules to be infused with the lightening changing her."

" oh wow she seems to be a smart one hehe I should invite her for tea soon,now the second quirk of course"
" ah yes she said her official quirk was caused by adaption and evolution and her second quirk is being able to control the four elements but also blood and metal" I saw both of their eyes widen at this and this was shocking for me to see Me Aizawa with a different expression .

" and ah for your question Mr Aizawa ,it's mostly because of her parents neglecting and abuse towards her is what makes her seem like a toddler she says it's called DdLg and she gets into little space which is a state where her old self reverts to being a child to help cope with different situation and I am what you would call her caregiver cause I take care of her needs anything she may need when she's in her little space this maybe ,eating,putting her to bed or even bathing"

"She's very vulnerable when she's in this state which is why I need to be always with her ,this is why I brought her today ,well it was mostly my old man's plan to getting her out of the house but also so we could " bond" even more so she'll be more willing for the quirk marriage.

" she can't be in this school as you stated she is very vulnerable when she's in her little space she might be a danger to the students" Mr Aizawa states in his flat tone
"Ah it's quite alright actually ,EraserHead ,you will be there to stop such from happening isn't that right" says Principal Nezu.

Shocked that he isn't at cautious like Mr Aizawa. I stand up carrying y/n into my arms while she lays there with here head on my chest,I ask Me Aizawa to move aside so I can get out the door.

We walk in silence towards class 1-a but I can feel Mr Aizawa's stare towards y/n but I do not mention it. " stand outside while I tell the class about her arrival ,I'll call you in when ready" I nod in approval
Aizawa's POV
I get into class with my mind drifting back to y/n as I enter I'm bombarded with question form the students, getting annoyed I activate my quirk my once onyx eyes turn crimson and my black shoulder hair rises up with my capture weapon gravitating around me.

They all settle down and keep out quiet "now that your all quiet we will be having a new student joining us today ,do not scare her in anyway as she is very...unstable" I warn fixing my glare towards bakugo " WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME FOR!!" He yells back and I just roll my eyes at the response
" Todoroki..you can come in now" I say before getting into my sleeping bag to take a well deserved nap

Shoto's POV

I hear my name being called out and I know that it Mr Aizawa calling me in,I use my foot to try and pry the door open but nothing happens so I decide to try and put y/n for a few seconds so that I can open the door

I set her down on the floor and she starts whimpering ,I open the door to see everyone trying to peek outside to see her ,I pick her up and she suddenly open her [e/c] eyes and looks back at me she doesn't stir away from my arms but just lets out a cute little yawn and goes back to fisting my shirt in her arms and her head on my chest.

I huff at her indifference ,I get into the class ignoring all the stares I sit down on my desk with y/n still in my arms. " You need to go and introduce yourself to the class it's quite rude if you just stay here in my arms without an introduction" she squirms in my arms and shakes her head in disapproval I stand up with her still in my arms and she squeaks and the sudden movement and puts her arms around my neck ,I move towards the front and drop her by Mr Aizawa and return to my sit.

Mr Aizawa is startled and he wakes up from his sleep to give out the most icy glare to everyone not noticing y/n by his lap, y/n squeaks at the glare and hides her face in her hands. Noticing her presence he looks down to see her shaking form and he does something that shocks us all.

He grabs her shaking form and cradles her into his arms while patting her hair and whispering some words into her ear.She latches herself into his arms with her head in the sleeping bag so her head is in the crook of his neck.

The whole class is stunned into silence.

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