"Lily, I don't understand. I-I...what's happening to you?"

I part my lips but another lightening flash of pain extends from my head down my spine. As I cry out, I fall from his arms, landing on the ground. More red falls from my lips.


Instead of a few spots, I begin to see only black. And then...nothing

Klaus's POV:

A bang wakes me up. As my eyes open, I immediately turn to look for Lily. She's gone. Looking around my room, it doesn't take me long to figure out the bang had come from my bathroom, presumably from the women missing from my bed. If she's still here, using my bathroom, that has to be a good sign, right? It has to mean something, doesn't it?

I ease out of the bed and make my way to the bathroom door, slipping on a pair of pants on the way. "You alright in there, Love?" I ask through the door, smirking to myself. I can only imagine what she might have done to create such a noise. She's probably blushing from embarrassment of being caught right now.

When she doesn't reply, my gut sinks. Surely, everything's fine and I'm overreacting...but the taste of dread in the back of my throat tells me otherwise. I knock on the door. "Lily? Are you okay in there?"

I could open the door, it's not locked and even if it was, I still could, but I'm trying to prove to her that I can be respectable by giving her privacy. However, when I hear deep, retching coughs from the other side of the door, I grow nervous. Listening in, I can hear her breathing deeply. Her heart rate is out of control. "Lily?" I try again. "Lily, if you don't tell me what's going on, I'm coming in."

Another bang sounds from the bathroom followed by something colliding with the floor. My fingers curl into my palm as I inhale deeply. I pound on the door. "I'm serious, Liliana! Tell me what's happening," I growl. My voice is low and deep. I hate that she's not saying anything and all I can hear is her coughing.

Fuck being respectable. I push the door in so hard it slams against the wall; the knob gets stuck in it. And what I see has me freezing in my step. My eyes fall upon Lily's body curled up on the side against the tile floor. Her skin is pale...so pale. Blood runs from her nose and lip as her body shakes and twitches with each cough that falls from her mouth. A puddle of blood rests in front of her.

Glancing to my right, more blood in the sink catches my eye. What's going on? Falling to her side, my right hand finds her back, rubbing it as I stroke her hair away from her temples. Her forehead is damp with sweat and burns underneath my touch. I look at the women I love and feel...fear...

"Liliana," her name falls from my lips. "What's happening?" I watch as she reacts to my voice. Her head tilts toward me ever so slightly but then she's screaming, clutching her head. I reach out for her, sitting on the ground, as I pull her to me. Her head rests against my chest as she shakes in my arms. I don't understand what's happening. Is this some kind of spell? Is a witch doing this?

Slowly, and with so much strain it's almost hard to watch, she looks up at me. Her normally bright blue eyes are dull as she whispers something almost too quiet for me to hear. "St...efan." Stefan? Stefan. What does he have to do with this. "Stef...an," she tries again, her voice cracking.

Involuntarily, I start to shake my head. "Lily, I don't understand. I-I...what's happening to you?" What is this? Why is she in so much pain? Why is there blood? I don't get it. I don't know what's happening and that scares me.

She moves to speak again before her body jolts and another scream falls from her lips. She rolls off of my lap and onto the floor again, spitting blood along the way. "Stef..an," she manages once more. Then, her eyes close.

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