Finding the Sunshine

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During the first hour, Link was still working through it. Not the actual I'm now a bloodsucking creature of the night part - that would take months, according to everything he had been taught since middle school. Mottos of toleration and love wedged in between Native American and Black History studies. Most of the documentaries still flickered in the back of his mind, and although he hadn't taken the best notes, he remembered enough to pass the standardized tests back then.

It wasn't like Link never dreamed - or in later years fantasized about becoming a vampire. The blood-drinking wasn't a deal breaker, and urging was positively fascinating to think about. Emoters seemed to have the most interesting mental ability... but it could be weeks before Link would know what his urging power would be.

In the meantime, he was stuck in an unfamiliar apartment with nothing to help his growing hunger. The food that Rhett had mentioned in passing was more stale crackers than anything substantial. Then again, what in the world had Link been expecting? A four course feast with his new creator by candlelight?

" Sounds more like a date ," Stevie remarked. She hadn't made another visual appearance since the alley, but her voice was still there. Soft and melodic as it bumped against Link's brain like a moth to a naked bulb.

Link shrugged as he gave a non committal huff. Huge-pupiled eyes narrowed from the bright splash of sunlight invading the tiny bedroom. His arms spread wide as he laid on the mattress, legs dangling off of the foot of the bed. A date would be nice, even if unnecessary. Link had already willingly given Rhett his human body. What the hell else was left?

A lot actually, when Link gave himself a moment to really think about how soft Rhett's beard might feel against his inner thighs. The heady musk of his breath as it mingled in rapid kisses. How freaking big his hands were.

"Great..." Link groaned. "Now I'm bored, hungry, and horny."

"You could try reading a book?" Stevie chuckled.

That was a good suggestion. Most of Rhett's small shelf was full of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and E.E. Cummings. All of them looked well-worn and smelled strongly of cherry birch. The odor was earthy with just a subtle tinge of sweetness that made Link's toes curl inside his shoes. It had taken him only a few minutes after Rhett had left with his sweeping coat and subtle grin to realize that this was Rhett's scent invading his nose like a slow-moving fog.

Link grunted as he flexed his stiff muscles and creaking bones. It felt like they were still getting used to this body. The faint scars on his hip and neck tickled, and his nose and ears noticed the subtle nuance of everything. The soft shuffling sounds of what had to be an elderly neighbor opening their door. The gentle smell of fresh baked cookies wafting in from the half-opened window.

It was about the two hour mark that Link began to weigh his options. Already tired of Stevie's internal half-hearted sighs every time he checked his phone for texts, he made his way through the sliding glass door in the living room. Fresh air would help. At least, it had always helped when he'd needed to go over things in his head from the day before - whether it was a self-esteem pep talk (Stevie approved), or to go over his next robbery for the following evening (Stevie disapproved).

The balcony was just as plain and annoyingly functional the rest of Rhett's apartment. A small table sat in the middle of the squared space, with a couple of potted plants off to the right. Across, a lounge chair that seemed large enough for the giant vampire.

He checked his phone again. Nothing. How long did it take to - what exactly was Rhett doing, anyway?

Link frowned hard, as if it would assist in his thought process. He paused and rewound the minimal pieces of conversation he'd had with Rhett as he'd been leaving the apartment.

"You deserve to know what's going on, Link." Stevie sighed.

"I really hate it when you're right."

It was the soft padding of paws that made him turn to his right, and there on wide banister was an almost comically plump cat. The fluffy fur was a muddled cream color, and the eyes were a shimmering yellow and presently narrowed in tremendous irritation. It had no collar, but between its bulky frame and pristine coat, it was obvious that this feline was pampered and doted on.

A soft mewl and bushy tail twitch told Link for certain that he was in this cat's favorite sunning spot, who was rapidly running out of patience with the newborn vampire.

Ignoring the creature seemed to be the best plan, but the cat didn't agree. There was a small thump as four paws landed on the balcony floor and headed towards Link's legs. The pointed ears tilted back and rounded face looked up at Link, as if trying to decide how absolutely dense he actually was.

"I was here first," Link grunted.

The cat meowed loudly in protest.

"There are plenty of other places for you to sit if you want," Link replied.

"You do know that you're having a conversation with an animal, right?"

Link exhaled out of his nose. The cat stared. Link played around with some random apps on his phone. The cat stared. Link made fluttering go away gestures with his right hand.

The cat stared.

"I think the cat's winning."

And as if the feline could read his emotions as well as any Emoter, four tiny paws hit Link's lap with a surprising amount of grace. Its chubby cheeks and firm whiskers rubbed on his narrow arms as it gave a purr of quiet ownership. It was only then that Link pondered whether animal blood was something that might be worth looking into.

His phone buzzed in his pocket.

Rhett: You're not allowed to eat carmel.

Link stared at the message, as did the cat. The phone buzzed with a follow-up message.

Rhett: Caramel*

This did not clear up anything. Another buzz.

Rhett: The cat. Don't eat him, or try to feed off of him in any way. Would probably upset my next door neighbor.

"Probably upset?" Link muttered, quirking an eyebrow.

Caramel blinked and dug his sharp claws warningly into Link's lap. The large tail jerked as he settled in like a large furry Buddha. Even his content purrs seemed to be full of hidden meaning. As if the feline had not seen anything worth fearing in the black eyes and fangs. Present- or past-human alike was not worth additional stress for this cat, unless his personal lounge chair was under attack.

Another text.

Rhett: Back in the next hour. Stay in the apartment. Have vials for you.

Link hadn't even known that he was holding his breath until then, but the relief was amazing. Caramel meowed in resignation as he curled up into a roly poly ball on Link's lap and closed his bright yellow eyes. His fur was much coarser than it looked, but Link rubbed the top of his head and waited. The sunshine warmed his chilled skin as he allowed his tongue to rub his needle-like fangs and imagine a large meal of rich blood by candlelight, and definitely without self-entitled cats.

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