Sober up Nicky and run!

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Nicky POV

"What? That's amazing we should go see her right Alex?" Piper said in amazement.

"Yeah! We should definitely go see her" Alex says walking to the fridge.

"Fuck! We're out of tequila!" Says Alex

"Vause calm down it's only seven in the morning and you already want a drink? Ah eh I thought that was piper's thing...are you sure your ok?"

Me and piper pause to look at Alex.

"Relax I'm fine.. trust me! I'm just in the mood But I am going to make a quick run to the store to get a screwdriver" Alex says firmly

"Fine but I'm going with" piper says running to get a pair of keys off of a hook by the front door.

"Alright alright! Eh you guys go ahead I'll go take a quick shower while you guys are out, you guys come back get ready yourselves and we'll be on our way to see miss Morello!"

Both piper and Alex leave out the front door. I found myself staring at the address and phone number I found on Lorna. So I decided to call the number.

* dialing

"Hello Manhattan psychiatric center, who are you calling for?"

"Umm eh Lorna morello... do you have have her in care?"

"'am Lorna Morello passed a few months ago. I'm so sorry truly I am."  The receptionist says over the phone

"Oh my God.. no no no please tell me your kidding... please tell me that your goi- oh my god"

"I'm sorry ma'am. We tried to reach her ex husband but couldn't get through so we went ahead and buried her here at our facility. Would you like to come see the burial site?"  The lady ask

"No... no I'm fine thank you.."

I hung up the phone and fell to my knees. I can't believe she's gone. I rush to piper and Alex's wine cooler and drunk a whole bottle of Chardonnay.

I suddenly hear foot steps in a back room. I walk towards the sound and see a man in black cargo pants and a black hood.

"Heyy hey! You better geeet out of myy friends house or.. Orr I'm going to callll the police"

He instantly started running through the house . When he reached the front door piper and Alex pulled in. Eh ah I wasn't prepared for what's about to happen next.

The man grew scared, he was trapped. If he ran out the front door piper and Alex would see him so he panicked.


"Oof" I instantly fell to the floor bleeding out from my stomach.

The hooded man runs to the back of the house and the front door opens.

"I told you that the left would have been quicker piper"

"Yeah! But I-" piper was cut off.

"Oh my god! Nicky! What the fuck happened?... babe go get me some towels please!"

Piper runs to the bathroom and is back with towels in less than a second. Alex uses the towels to stop the bleeding while piper calls the ambulance.

approximately eight minutes later the ambulance show up and load me onto the ambulance. Piper and Alex are talking to the police.

"Nicky Nichols can you hear me?" The medical technician asked me.

I could hear him but I was to weak to answer.

We arrived at the hospital eventually.

"Emergency surgery now"......

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