Chapter One

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I can't believe this is the first day of my last year of college. I have a meeting with my academic adviser in 40 minuets to create my resume and start looking at job postings. I just finished my internship at Southern Publishing House here in Charleston. They have me on a waiting list for an actual job because all of their positions are filled. They offered me to stay as an intern until a position becomes available, but I don't make much money there and with me almost being done with school, it's time to find an apartment. 

When I arrive to the advisory building, I let out a huge sigh. I'm tired of seeing this place. Only a couple of courses left, and then I will be free. I'm going to apply for a job in Panama City, Fl at the Florida Central Publishing House. I often have thoughts of moving to Texas or Charlotte, NC. I will talk to my adviser about it. When I enter his office, he is on the phone so I sit down and patiently wait. "Ill call you back. Bye. Well hello! If it isn't my favorite English student. Izzy it's almost that time, are you ready?" I look at him with sarcasm on my face. "Well actually, no offense to you Mr. Green, but I am ready to get out of here," I shrug my shoulders and he laughs. "Well then I have good news for you, if you take these courses on this sheet this semester, you won't have to take any other ones since you did an internship, and you can graduate in December!" Mr. Green practically jumps out of his chair with enthusiasm and I can't help but laugh. "Are you serious? You cannot be serious," he slides me the piece of paper. I already changed your schedule, made your resume and got you a job in Charlotte at the NC Publishing House. You start January 14th. Any questions?" My mouth drops open. "How did you, how did yo-," he interrupts me, "well SPH gave you a great recommendation and with some others from your instructors and from yours truly," he points to himself, "they did not need to interview you. The job pays $51,000 a year plus a couple of bonuses. The job is in the city, and they will fly you up a week before to help you find housing. So go to class, call me with questions. Now get out of here! Go make me proud," he pushes me out the door. As I turn around to thank him, he reaches in for a hug. "Don't thank me. You did it all on your own," I smile and head back out to my car. Oh my gosh I cannot believe this is happening. 

When I arrive to my first class, I take a seat at the back because I don't like the feeling of people looking at me. I don't even know what class this is, but it's the right room number. I look at my schedule and it says management 102. Great. I hated the last management class I was in. The instructor walks in and introduces his self and the class. No papers, no quizzes or tests? What are we actually going to do in this class. "I will be emailing you once every Friday with some questions and scenarios on how things should be handled in the work place. Answer in my liking and you have an easy A. There are no wrong or right answers. Just answer honestly and I will give you tips on how to handle it better. Give no answer or not be thorough enough and you fail. Easy enough right?" he looks out into the room and everyone shakes their head. 

This class went by fast. I have two more classes today and then I'm done. Next is Accounting 101, but not for another 20 minuets so I stop by the cafeteria and grab a muffin and orange juice then head to class. When I get there, there are only 3 people in the room so I go in and stop in my tracks. Where is everyone? "I don't even know why we need to take this class. We graduate in December and we are English majors," the blonde guys says. When the door closes behind me, they all turn to look at me. "Let me guess. You are an English major that graduates in December and you have to take this stupid accounting class so you can graduate," I nod. "well so are we welcome to the club. I heard we are the only 4 people in this class. I guess we are all going to be good friends by the time this is over," the brown head guy stands to come great me. "Hi, I'm Chris but you can call me CJ," I shake his hand. "I'm Isabel but I guess you can call me Izzy," I blush as I take in his appearance. He is about 6 foot 4 inches, beautiful sparkling brown eyes, luscious brown hair and a fairly nice body. Then the guy with blond hair stands to come great me with a kiss on my hand and I flush. He is supper hot. "I'm Bryce, but you can call me your future husband. You are. very. beautiful," I flush again as he kisses my hand in-between each word, and then the cute brown head walks up. "I'm Jackson. I don't go by any other name so it should be easy," him and I both chuckle. "Well it's nice to meet you all," we all walk towards our seats and the instructor walks in. 

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