Elegy: "Fragments of Letting Go"

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There are stages to move through

and not to grow in, because progress

perishes between these suffocating lines.

You are lost in the finest sense of forever:

I know not where to seek you,

how to remember you, yet you whip through me still,

time’s drag of memorial circumstance

shifting the paths my steps forge and trip over.

I thought it was over

when we said so. But you are never over,

you are permanent

in the grains of my psyche, you reflect back

in movement and thought.

Your hazy influence

silently spreads over me

like translucent pollen blown free

from its stemmed beginnings.

I act around you, no longer for you,

and despite you, never again

toward you. My body reels from your

lost touch, my fingertips bruised

from scraping and clawing

to the depths of these memories. And yet,

the residue remains. I fear you are here


But that word—forever—

you taught me how to not believe in it

which means the dust and webs may fade, too.

Your lingering influence,

your jarring interruptions:

these, too, will go. It will all leave—the when’s,

the what-ifs, the remember-that’s,

the how could I’s,

how could you’s,

all of you will leave.

And yet I will remain,

the blurred photocopy of before and after.

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