"I'm cool with that, I want to get away from her."

"And y'all only 13 so it's not like y'all could get jobs but y'all will be cleaning and earning money. I'm not y'all parent, I'm y'all sister but y'all still need to learn how hard it is to live on y'all own."

"Word!" Keohn yelled from the room making me roll my eyes.

"My friend has this cousin who works in social work, I can see what she could do. Just go to sleep and we'll see about everything tomorrow."

"Aight Spen." He said laying down as I shook my head.

I went back to the bed cuddling Kreed, I just couldn't understand how any mother wouldn't want to be a mother.


"I can grant you temporary custody for right now." Nobi said making me nod. "To get full custody there has to be an whole investigation but because I know you, I can vouch for you."

"Good good." I spoke. "Temporary start now?"

"Yes, once you put your signature here they're yours for now."

"Okay." I nodded standing up.

"Spencer you will have 30 days as temporary guardian. The 30 days are to determine if you want to do this, if you can handle it you will be granted full guardianship."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Are you coming to my mental class?" Esme asked. "I need more speakers, can you speak?"

"On what?"

"If you had to think of the first person who hurt you, who would it be?"

"My sperm donor."

"Speak on that."

"Interesting." She squinted her eyes. "I'll be there and I'll bring Sin."

"Okay." Esme smiled hugging her as she handed me the papers. "You ready to take care of three kids?"

"Don't have a choice but to be." I shook my head. "I refuse to leave them with that mental ass lady."

"If it ever get too hard, drop them off to me. Esme love the kids." She smiled making me laugh.

We started on the highway so we can get Paisley, thirty minutes later as we was pulling up I heard Paisley, Keohn mother and that lady screaming as people was in their lawns looking. I stepped out the car confused.

"Bitch, why are you here?!" She yelled as soon as I walked up.

"Bitch, watch who you talking to." I looked at her like she bumped her damn head.

"This is family business, take your ho ass somewhere else."

"Ooh real creative, I'm a ho." I laughed. "Paisley you got your stuff?"

"She's not going no fucking where with you!"

"Ya drunk ass need to go to AA, weirdo."

"Bitch, don't tell me what to do and you aren't taking my kids! Where's Carter? He in the car? Carter!"

"You look dumb, I hope somebody called the police on your unfit ass."

"Bitch, you'll never compare to me as a mother."

"If you the competition I don't want to compare sis."

"Paisley, do you have your stuff?" Esme asked trying to calm the situation down.

"Who the hell is you?!" She pushed Esme.

"Watch your fucking self, she pregnant!" I pushed her back since she kept trying to go at Esme.

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