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A/n: an alternate version of an older one I made.

Au: afterlife.

He didn't like how lonely it was in the graveyard. The place he's been trapped for so long. It was a struggle to force his way out of his coffin, at first he thought Kira killed him but somehow he managed to live and was buried alive. But then he saw his blood drained skin, the fact he could see when it was so dark, the face he didn't have a pulse and he realised he was dead. And it turns out there was an afterlife after all.

It took him a while to kick the coffin open, but he was out eventually and had been for years now. He would wander the graveyard, occasionally seeing other people.

He didn't want to leave the graveyard in case someone he knew fell to kira and was taken to the same place. He came to the conclusion that other people he sometimes saw were dead as well. But the there was a difference between someone who was actually dead and passed to the afterlife, and what he called 'openings'.

An opening was a spot that had thinner spiritual walls between living and dead. So sometimes he could see an alive person, or funerals happening. It was like a ghost, but the other way around.

No one ever visited him, or at least he couldn't see it. But he still waited. Longing for the day someone came to see him. The afterlife was lonely, cold, bland. He'd heard of locations where the dead get together to talk, party and try and replicate living, but he didn't want to miss any visitors. If they ever came...

He sat by the fountain in the centre of the graveyard, looking down at his reflection. He was ghostly pale, no blood. His eyes were sunken and dull, no life behind them. His clothes were slowly rotting away, they were torn, dirtied and falling apart. His hair was a mess, worse than when he was alive. He wondered if one day his flesh would rot away and he'd be nothing but talking bones. It was always dark in the afterlife, gloomy but peaceful.

He ran his fingers against the still water and created a ripple, mind wandering.

Was Kira still out there? Had he killed anyone else he knew?

He was snapped out of his thought by someone suddenly approaching behind him.


He knew that voice. He turned to see a boy, dyed black hair, Orange prison jumpsuit and severely burnt.


"Hey... it's been a while..." he said.

"It's been... years" L replied.

How did B even find him? What was he here for?

He'd obviously been dead for longer. He was very tattered. Torn clothes, bones exposed on his arms, burn scars drained of colour.

"I head Kira got you and came looking"

"News spreads from the living to the dead?"

"Yes, it just takes a while"

B sat opposite him on the edge of the fountain.

"Listen... about what I did..."

L was listening, just focusing on the reflection of the stars in the water. He wanted to know what B had to say about his crimes.

"I think dying changes your psyche, because I look back now and think... why did I do that? I mean, pretending to be you was creepy as hell, and I now realise I've committed awful crimes... out of spite"

L turned his attention to his former successor.

"I just wanted to be better than you at something for once... I thought if I couldn't surpass you, I'd trip you up. I'm sorry, living me was... crazy" B explained.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now