April 28th

197 10 6


(Jughead's pov)

I know that Betty snitch on us and I'm gonna make her pay. I will fuck her up to the point she is so close to death she'll begging me to kill her.

"What the hell were you thinking!" my dad yelled at me.

"It needed to be done," I stated going to my room.

"Don't walk away from me, you're grounded for two months give me your phone," he said.

"What are you serious?" I questioned.

"Yes I am," he said putting his hand out.

I gave him my phone went upstairs and opened my window and left to go see Cooper.

(Betty's pov)

"Ms.Cooper in my office immediately," Mr.Honey stated gently.

I was still jumpy after Jughead attacking. And I knew he's gonna make me pay.

~in Mr.Honey's office~

"Ms.Cooper why haven't you told anyone what Jughead and his friends have been doing to you?" He questioned me.

"I don't know what you're talking about sir," I lied.

"Ms.Cooper it's ok you're safe I know it was you because I saw it on the security cameras and just saw him attack you," Mr.Honey said.

"That couldn't have been me I was in class and I haven't seen Jughead or his friends all day sir, I'm sorry you got the wrong person," I mumbled softly but loud enough to hear me.

I heard him from the hallway what he did to Archie, Cheryl, Chuck, Jughead, Toni, Reggie, and Veronica, and I'm gonna be dead. And my mother won't even notice I'm gone.

"Well then will I might have mistaken you will a different blonde sorry," he apologized.

No you had the right girl but I can't die yet.

"Its ok," I said.

I grabbed my backpack and started walking home.

~thirty minutes later~

That's when I saw Jughead and I panicked. My breathing became uneven and my eyes were tearing up.

"Hey there slut," Jughead smirked then pushed me down hard into the road.

"Please I told him it wasn't be," I confessed.

"That's not what I want tho Whore," he stated throwing punches at my face.

I kept still because the my I struggle the longer it'll last with Jughead. Than he started dragging me and threw me against a car. And started kicking really hard and I heard a crack I knew he had broken my ribs. Then he took my arm and twisted hard breaking it then doing the same to my leg.

"BOY GET OFF OF HER!" I heard someone.

"I'm not done," Jughead stated.

"Yes you are," his dad said pulling him off of me.

I felt blood rushing down on to my face from my head. I want to get up but I couldn't the pain was unbearable. I was crying laying there wanting to die.

"I'm so sorry Betty for the way my son treats for," Mr.Jones said while helping me up only to fall down again.

"I'm gonna take you to the hospital ok?" he questioned.

"No I'm fine really," I said crying even harder.

"No I'm take you to the hospital,"

~at the hospital~

(Fp's pov)

"Family of Betty Cooper?" the doctor called for me.

"Well she be ok?" I asked.

"Um it's to early to tell," he said.

"What's wrong with her?" I questioned.

"She has a major concession, a broken arm, broken leg, four broken rips, and she was raped," Doctor Sky said.

"Oh shit," I was even more angry than before did Jughead rape this poor girl.

"Do you know who raped her?" I asked.

"I believe his name is Chuck Clayton," he stated.

Oh my God this poor girl has been though it all. I wonder what her parents think about this.

"She's going to have to stay overnight then she can go home," he informed me.

"Thank you," I said going home.

(Betty's pov)

I hurt all over and I can't do anything about it. I just want to cry but then I look like a baby. I don't wanna feel this way anymore.

I have a plan when I get home I'm gonna grabbed a razor blade a slit my wrists.

I get bullied just because I dated a girl named Ace. Sadly she also committed suicide before I could tell her I loved her. I'm not a lesbian, I'm pansexual and my mother hates at part about me. I just want to be loved but Nobody will ever love me.

Happy Birthday dumb_bott_29 this isn't this best part ever but here's your birthday present from me. Love you boo❤❤❤❤

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