Lesson 12: Give and Take

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By the following day, Yibo had resorted to lying twisted up in the covers for comfort, with his window open to keep cool, and two towels under him to deal with the quantity of slick his body was producing.

Jin Ling had temporarily changed rooms, but otherwise, his heat was only causing him inconvenience. Turned out, a house full of vampires could care less. But at least he didn't have to worry about getting raped. Wen Qing brought him food and cold compresses, along with updates (or rather non-updates) on his brother.

But during the remaining hours in his bed without Zhan, Yibo felt alone and empty. His wolf had been forlorn since they'd fallen out. And now his body seemed forlorn as well.

He wondered what Zhan was doing. Was he missing him? Did he need to feed?

He realized he didn't know how often Zhan needed to do that. At his level, he could go without for a while, surely? Or would he just feed from someone else?

A blanket of misery settled over Yibo, making him even hotter and more agitated. Zhan had told him he didn't want anyone else. Had he really meant it? Did that include feeding?

His misery finally propelled him off the bed and into a cold shower.


With his eyes closed, forehead cooling against the white tile, Yibo didn't hear the bathroom door open. 

But Zhan's scent was unmistakable, and his body sagged in relief when the curtain slid back and a naked Wei Zhan joined him in the shower.

Neither of them spoke, but lips and hands connected instantaneously, and Yibo marveled at the way Zhan's hands both aroused him and cooled him off. He was like the worlds' best medicine.

He smiled into the kiss, and Zhan pulled back to look at him. 

After a moment, he smiled, too. Still, neither of them spoke, but Zhan seemed to know what Yibo needed, moving his hand to his cock and his lips to his throat. He fed while Yibo held onto him and came under the steady stream of cold water.

Without giving him a chance to recover, Zhan licked his bite closed, then turned Yibo around so his hands were braced against the back wall of the shower. Then he slid two fingers into him.

"Ah," Yibo groaned. It felt good, but it wasn't enough. "More, Zhan. Please."

Zhan removed his fingers, and it sounded like he licked them, moaning a bit at the taste. 

Did he really like that? Yibo didn't dare interrupt with a question. 

A moment later, he lost all train of thought as Zhan's cock forced him open and filled his ache completely.

The sensation of having Zhan inside him, filling him like a cannon, was almost better than the orgasm that followed after Zhan began to thrust, hitting him deep inside, time after time. 


When Zhan again pulled out ahead of his own release, Yibo was irrationally disappointed. He knew a pregnancy was the last thing he could deal with right now. But, still, he wanted all of Zhan whenever he was with him.

Was that part of being an omega, he wondered? Feeling so... angsty around an alpha? He wished there were someone he could ask. 

Not Zhan. Even if he knew, he'd made it clear he didn't like questions.


When they were both dressed and back in Yibo's room, he thought for a moment that Zhan looked nervous.

"Um. Thanks," he said, not sure if they were speaking yet. 

Zhan nodded. "I didn't just come for that. I also came to tell you some things."

He leaned against the dresser, and Yibo straightened the covers and sat on the bed facing him and waited.

Zhan closed his eyes and breathed deep. "You smell like honey," he said. "And wildflowers. It suits you."

He thought Zhan's scent suited him too - intoxicating and mysterious. But he kept his mouth shut.

"I've had Xue Yang looking into the situation in Gusu," Zhan said finally. "Wen clan has taken over there. I suspect Old Wen has been eyeing GusuLan for a while, precisely because the clan was alpha-less. He's the one responsible for the attack on you and your brother and Qiren."

Yibo closed his eyes. "Are you certain?" he whispered, unable to restrain himself.

Zhan nodded. "After your parents were removed, he assumed the clan would be rudderless. When Qiren and Xichen held it together, it created a problem. In the end, he had to move before you turned eighteen."

He stopped, as if waiting for Yibo to question him further. 

Yibo held his tongue. 

And, miraculously, Zhan continued. "He's put Wen Chao up as the new alpha and is killing anyone who objects to GusuLan being annexed into Wen clan. That's enough proof for me. Is it enough for you?"

Yibo blinked and then nodded.

"Good. When your brother is strong enough, we will make Wen Rouhan pay for what he's done. But I don't want to be too hasty. I think Xichen will need to play a role. Is that okay with you?"

Again, Yibo just nodded, hardly believing his ears.

"Don't worry," Zhan said. "I promise you Wen Rouhan will die in pain."

Zhan said those words so matter-of-factly it made Yibo's heart ache. Not for Wen Rouhan, of course. But Yibo had never killed anyone. How many had Zhan killed to be able to say such things?

Something else occurred to Yibo then that he couldn't hold back. "Did he kill my parents?"

"That I don't know for certain yet. I believe so. I also promise you I will find that out."

Who was he that the Yiling Patriarch would make promises to him? Yibo wasn't sure what was happening, and once again, he didn't know what to say so he just nodded.

Zhan ran a hand through his hair, but his stance had softened as they spoke, and he now seemed oddly relieved.

Yibo supposed he was, too. This conversation had been good. Awkward. But good. 

Zhan took two long steps toward the door but then turned back. "One other thing," he said. "I know you won't want to go anywhere until your brother has recovered, but, after that, if you want to leave, no one will stop you."

After Zhan left, Yibo stared for a long time at the closed door and wondered why that bit of news made him feel like a boulder had fallen on his chest.

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