Nobody Compares to You

Start from the beginning

Sadie was there when it happened. Everyone was drunk to a certain degree, but at least Millie still had enough rationality in her brain to push off any guy that tried to get with her.

Her boyfriend... not so much... Millie had walked away from Sadie to find him again, but when the redhead had caught up with her a few minutes later the brunette only stood with a blank stare and tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

When Sadie's sight caught view of what Millie was looking at her one heart shattered for her friend. It was the somewhat classic story of the boyfriend with the a girl that was not Millie up against the wall.

"Oh Millie... please tell me that's not-"

"It is! It is him!" She sobered up more so suddenly as anger and sadness filled her being. Before Sadie could even blink twice she heard the loud smack.

Millie had walked up to him and hit him across the face... before finding her bag and ignoring everyone who tried to gain her attentions especially him, before running out of the bar with rushing tears.

Now it had been a little over a year and everything still stung in her heart horribly.
She was so head over heels for him, she talked endlessly to Sadie about him being the one for her...

Millie had cried for weeks and all Sadie wanted to do was murder him, the stupid mother fucker that broke her best friend. She still swears if she ever sees-


Sadie was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard his name come out of Millie's mouth for the first time in over a year. She jumped a bit when she heard glass hit the floor and shatter.

It was Millie who had suddenly become more sobered up again and shaken with nerves that dropped her next shot glass from her hands, but her eyes did not tear away from the spot she was looking.

Sadie finally saw what or who Millie's eyes were glued to. It was him, he was here... in the same room as them breathing the same air as them... well these were Millie's thoughts.

She had avoided his calls after it happened not wanting to hear his stupid half wasted sorry apologies. Eventually she had blocked him on every social account possible. He had no way to contact her and Sadie wouldn't let him near Millie when he tried to come over in person.

She had no idea how she hadn't spotted him here sooner than a little over a year later... after all this had been their ultimate hangout for drinks.

There was no possible way this was happening right now, he couldn't be here... because one look at him and all the memories of them came flooding back in her mind like they had happened yesterday.

There was no way Millie could or even wanted to face him, and she definitely did not want him to spot her here. The only idea her mind gave her in that moment was to run and hide in the restroom... so that's exactly what she did...

Mille's anxiety was soaring higher more rapidly as she tried to calm herself down in front of the mirror. This could not be happening right now.

She thought she was done with him, that she could finally start to move on, but just one look and everything came back again.

Her thoughts were going a mile a minute when she heard a knock on her door.

"Go away! It's occupied!"

She would've almost shouted some curses when the person knocked again if Sadie hadn't yelled from the other side to let Millie know it was her.

She let her friend in quickly locking the door again. "I- I c-can't... why does he have to be here!?" Millie cried, and her tears returned...

"Millie breathe..."

"I can't even look at him without still feeling how I felt for him!... Maybe... Maybe I should move... like to a different state completely and leave LA to him..."

"Millie wait what are you talking about?" Sadie was losing track of her friend's rambling thoughts and sudden ideas.

"I could start over... somewhere new where he won't be!"

"Millie stop! That's crazy!"

"What do you mean sto Sadie?! What I think is crazy is I can't even look at him once without... without still feeling like I'm-"

She didn't even want to say it...

"Like you're still in love with him?..."

So Sadie said it for her... Millie sank to floor curling up against the wall to let out her cries and still so heartbroken tears...

"It's not fair Sads... it's just not fair... I see him once and all the memories come flooding back..."

Sadie sat down next to her friend, but no amount of comfort could help Millie's current feelings...

Finn and Millie had dated for a few months over two years before everything fell apart because of Finn's stupid 'mistake.'

Millie felt so strongly of love for him, she felt so foolish and stupid for believing he was the permanent one for her, the one she would spend the rest of her life with... the one if she admitted deep down now she still wanted to be with...

"Mills, you could have any guy out there that you want right now... how much you want a bet?" Sadie tried to cheer her friend up, but it would come to no use.

Only one person remained on Millie's mind and she feared those feelings would never leave her alone... She buried her head in her knees to let those never ending tears fall...

"I don't want anyone else Sadie... No one will ever compare to Finn..."

Song: "Nobody compares to You"
By: Gryffin ft. Katie Pearlman

Author's Note: Pls read!!
Hi everyone so this is a book I've had in my drafts since November of last year, it's a one shot book based off different songs I hear and get inspired to write by.

I've been writing one shots for awhile, but I've never published any. I've only ever sent them to one friend cause she really enjoys reading them or so she tells me haha. Shout out to my girl Mckayla! Love you sm!

Not sure how I feel about this one, the writing is definitely not my best considering it's 1:00am as I'm posting this, also it's not proof read cause I'm tired so I apologize... *cries* but anyways we will see how this goes.

It was a spontaneous decision I had to suddenly post this book that been waiting awhile to be started, hopefully I don't regret it.😂

Guess that's it for now, see you guys next part! (That's hopefully better written when I'm more awake.)

Much love!💜

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