Chapter 2

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I throw the ball back at Brody and yell, "Shoot it!"
He shoots... He scores!
I run to him for a high five. We were in his backyard playing basketball, just us 2, at 11 p.m. It was something we always did every Friday ever since he got his new basketball court.
"So, you going tomorrow?" asked Brody.
"To that party thing? I wasn't invited."
"Did you check your mailbox? They sent it out today."
"Even if I did get invited, I don't have anything to wear to that."
"Oh come on!" he says sarcastically.
I push him in a playful way, "What the heck are you gonna wear?"
"A shirt. And jeans. And shoes."
"Boys have it easy," I stare at my boobs. "My dresses from last year can't fit me. I grew."
He grabs my hand, well, not my hand but my wrist, and pulls me into his 2 story house.
"I'm pretty sure my sister has something laying around," he said while leading me into his 16 year old sister's room, Marella.
"What're you doing in here?! Get out!" She yells as she points her finger towards the door.
"Ember needs a dress and hers don't fit," Brody explains.
"Size?" She asks while looking at me.
"5 or 6."
"Man, you're crazy skinny."
She wasn't wrong. My mom even wanted to put me in modeling, she forced me. So I joined to her pleasure, even though modeling is at the bottom of my list. I quit about a week ago, but she has no idea.
I shrugged, "I guess."
She got up from her bed and looked through her closet, "Since you're a cherry head, you'd look good in this."
She took out a white short strapless dress. It has tiny rhinestones on the top and a silky bottom. It was gorgeous, yet, I'm not sure if the top part would fit me.
I smiled and nodded, "That one!"
She handed it over, "Go try it on."
I ran downstairs and went to the nearest bathroom. I took off my shoes, pants, then shirt. I stepped into the dress since it didn't have a zipper.
I slipped it right up and stared at myself through the mirror. I jumped around a bit and walked in a circle and the dress fit perfectly! No slip offs, not super tight, just a bit, and nice with smoothness.
I ran out the bathroom, after changing back, and went upstairs with a smile.
"Fits?" asks Marella.
"Perfectly! Thank you!"
"No problem, but you owe me one!"
That's the problem with asking Marella for a favor, you always end up "owing her one."
I nodded and waved bye to both Marella and Brody and went downstairs to say bye to Mr. James and Mrs. James. Afterwards, I left and took a cab straight home.

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