Chapter 1

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Shannara opens her eyes as sunlight starts coming through the window.
As she looks around, she can't believe she did what she did and with someone, she just met.
But thanks to her emotions and thinking about her sister things got out of hand and they got the best of her.
Sitting up on the side of the bed, she bends over and grabs her bra off the floor.
After putting it on she bends down again and picks up her top, skirt, and panties.
Putting her top on she does up each button making sure they're in the right holes.
Bending over once again she puts each foot into her panties and starts pulling them up.
Standing up, she pulls them up the rest of the way then turns around and picks up her skirt off the bed.
Pulling her skirt on, she zips up the side zipper as she puts her feet in her shoes.
Walking over to a dresser that sits beside the door she grabs her bag and starts to slowly turn the knob.
Gently opening the door, she walks out into the hallway closing the door slowly behind her.
Once it's shut she walks ever so gently down the hallway toward the front door.
"Hello young lady," she hears come from behind her when she's only a couple of inches from reaching the front door.
Turning around she sees an older man standing in a doorway, "Would you like some breakfast?" he asks her.
"Yes, Sir," she says not knowing what else to do or say.
Walking back to the doorway the man was standing in she sees it leads to the living room and kitchen.
"Eggs?" he asks her as she walks over to the kitchen area.
"No thank you, Sir," she tells him putting down her bag.
"Is pancakes and bacon alright?" he asks.
"Yes, Sir that's fine," Shannara tells him.
"Enough of the Sir," he tells her, "I'm Daniel senior," he says.
Shannara smiles, "Nice to meet you. I'm Shannara Banks."
"Do you work with my son?" Daniel asks.
"Yes, for the time being," she tells him as she sees a confused look appear on his face, "I work for the F.B.I."
"Oh! What do you do for the F.B.I.?" Daniel asks.
"I'm the Executive Assistant Director of National Security," she tells him.
Daniel looks at her impressed, "Sounds important," he says.
"We handle terrorist groups," she tells him when she feels hands on her shoulders.
She looks over a shoulder to see Hondo standing there, "Hey Pops! You're not asking her fifty thousand questions are you?" he asks his Father.
"No!" Daniel tells him, "Just getting to know the woman that came out of your bedroom," he says as Shannara blushes.
"Pops, stop!" Hondo tells him giving him a glare.
"YES! Pancakes and bacon!" a young man states as he runs into the kitchen then notices Shannara, "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know we had a guest."
"We don't have a guest," Daniel tells him, "Junior here has a guest."
Hondo's glare at his Father intensifies, "Daryl, this is Shannara," Hondo tells him.
Daryl walks over to her, "Pleasure to meet you," he says to her.
"Pleasure to meet you," she says to him when the front door opens.
A few seconds later a woman walks into the room, Shannara sees the woman give Daniel Sr. a dirty look, "What's going on here?" she asks looking at Shannara.
"Momma, this is Shannara Banks," Hondo tells her, "Shannara, this is my Momma," he tells her.
Shannara stands up, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ma'am," she says putting her hand out to her.
His Mom smiles, "Pleasure to meet you, Shannara but you can call me Charice," she tells her shaking her hand.
Shannara smiles, "That's a beautiful name," she says as she sees the time on the living room clock, "Oh, I'm going to be late for work," she says putting on her jacket.
"Where do you work, dear?" Charice asks her.
"I work for the F.B.I.," Shannara tells her then looks at Daniel Sr., "Pancakes and bacon a different time?"
"Sure! Get to work," he tells her.
Shannara smiles then looks at Hondo, he follows her to the front door, "See you in a little while," Hondo says as he bends some and kisses her.
He opens the door for her, "See ya," Shannara says as she hurries to her car.
Hondo walks back to the kitchen, "She seems like a lovely girl," his Mom says, "What does she do with the F.B.I?"
"She's the Executive Assistant Director of National Security," Hondo tells her.
"Wow, that sounds important," Charice says.
"It is," Hondo says, "She deals with terrorist groups."
"Are you going to see her again? Or was this a one night thing?" Charice asks.
"Momma!" Hondo says giving her a look.
"What? You know I would like to have some grandbabies from my son! Is that too much to ask?" Charice asks him, "And if she happens to be the one to finally settle you down, I say get working on those grandbabies as soon as possible!" she tells him as she turns giving Daniel Sr. a glare.
Hondo shakes his head, "I have to get ready for work," he says.
He walks out to the hallway, heading toward his room.


At S.W.A.T. headquarters, Shannara and Hondo run into each other.
Pulling her into an unused office, he closes the door and starts kissing her.
Shannara pulls away, "We need to get out there. I have another part of my team coming to introduce your team too," she tells him, "They're probably here."
"Alright, let's go," Hondo says smiling at her.
Just looking at his smile makes her knees go weak. Not being able to help herself, she starts kissing him.
This time Hondo backs away, "I thought you said we needed to get out there?" he asks her with a little laugh.
Shannara smiles, "Yes, we need to get out there," she tells him opening the door.
She walks out with Hondo behind her smiling as he closes the door.

Shannara walks into the briefing room and walks to stand in front of everyone as Hondo stands beside Deacon.
"I have another piece of my team coming in. This is a very crucial piece to my team as they know a lot about terrorist groups," Shannara tells them as she looks over to the doorway, "Everyone, this is Shaylynn Dalton."
Everyone turns around to look at the doorway.
Shaylynn walks in, pauses beside Luca, kisses him, and walks up to where Shannara is with a confused look on her face.
"Hi, everyone," Shaylynn says seeing the look on Shannara's face.
"You could have told me you know everyone, especially Luca," Shannara tells her, "I'm assuming you two are dating?" she asks.
"You never asked," Shaylynn tells her, "And yes we're dating."
"Alright, since that has been cleared up, I'm sure you all know that Shaylynn was with the Marines and Special Forces and has dealt with a lot of these terrorists to the point she can think like them. So she's going to be a very valuable asset to figuring out what this group is thinking and what they are planning," Shannara tells them, "While the S.W.A.T. teams are out, keep your eyes open for any suspicious activity where you are. Look around for people who don't belong in that certain area."
"We have a hit," a guy says as Shannara and Shaylynn turn around to look at him.
"Where?" Shannara asks him.
"Union Station," he tells her.
Shannara and Shaylynn turn around to look at the teams, "This is it!" Shannara says.
"Alright everyone, you heard her! Let's get geared up!" Hondo says.
The S.W.A.T. teams start heading toward the armory, "Do you want to ride with me?" Shaylynn asks Shannara.
"Sure," Shannara tells her.
"Let's head out as they get ready," Shaylynn tells her.
Shannara follows behind Shaylynn and takes a quick glance toward the armory to see Hondo putting his gear on.
She smiles at the sight, turning her head she sees Shaylynn is pretty far ahead of her. Picking up the pace, she quickly catches up.

After getting their gear on, Hondo and Luca start walking outside.
"So what's going on with you and Shannara?" Luca asks Hondo.
Hondo gets a surprised look on his face, "I don't know what you're talking about!" he tells Luca.
Luca laughs, "I've seen the way you look at her," he tells Hondo, "If I could see my own face when I look at Shaylynn, I bet it's the same look!"
Hondo stops and stares at Luca making Luca stop, "I don't know how I feel about Shannara," he tells Luca, "I haven't felt like this about anyone so it's confusing."
Luca smiles, "I'm sure you'll figure it out soon," he tells him as they walk outside.
"You and Shaylynn seem to be getting along well," Hondo says as Luca smiles, "Do you think she's the one?"
"Oh I know she's the one," Luca tells him as Hondo looks at him confused.
"When did you realize she's the one?" Hondo asks.
"The first night I was with her," Luca says as the others start walking out, "I'm just waiting for the right time to pop the question," he tells Hondo as they reach Black Betty.
A black Lamborghini pulls up beside them, "Pick up the pace guys," Shaylynn tells them smiling.
Luca bends down and kisses her, "Stay safe!" he tells her.
"You too," she tells him as Hondo and Shannara smile at each other.
Shaylynn pulls away as the others make their way to Black Betty.
As they get in, Hondo looks at Luca, "What?" Luca asks.
"You've got it bad!" Hondo tells him.
"I'll remember that when you and Shannara are acting the same way," Luca says and starts laughing seeing the look on Hondo's face.
"Get in and follow your woman to Union Station!" Hondo tells Luca smiling.
"You got it, Boss!" Luca says getting into the driver's seat as Hondo gets in the back of Black Betty. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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