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Shannara Banks walks into the F.B.I. Los Angeles office.
After going through security, she gets on the elevator up to the top floor.

Getting off the elevator, she walks down a hallway to her corner office.
Opening the door, she walks in and over to her window to look out at her view of the National Cemetery.
Every day she walks over and looks out to remind her of why she does the job.
A minute later she hears a knock at her door, "Come in," she says.
Turning around, she watches the door open to see Tom, the Director of the F.B.I. walk in.
"What do I owe the pleasure, Tom?" Shannara asks.
"We've received intel that Al-Qaeda is planning something big for Los Angeles," he tells her.
Shannara gets a pissed off look on her face as she has waited for this terrorist group to make another move on the United States.
"By the look on your face you need to calm down and keep your mind on the task ahead," Tom tells her.
"How can you say that to me!" Shannara says to him, "I've been waiting for these bastards to try something again! They took my sister and her family away from me when they crashed Flight 175 into the South World Trade Center tower!"
"We won't be doing this alone," Tom says.
Shannara gives him a confused look, "What do you mean by that?" she asks him.
"You're going to get a team together and coordinate with L.A.P.D. S.W.A.T. on this," Tom tells her.
"Oh no, I'm not!" Shannara tells him, "I don't need to be working with anyone else other than who I pick for my team!"
"You will do this!" Tom tells her sternly, "We need to have the local police force in the loop on this one. We need eyes everywhere," Shannara rolls her eyes, "Start picking your team. You're to be at S.W.A.T. headquarters in an hour," he tells her.
Tom turns around and walks out of her office.
Shannara stands there and shakes her head in disbelief that she has to team up with the local police.


An hour later, Shannara and her team are walking into S.W.A.T. headquarters.
"Executive Assistant Director Banks?" a guy asks her.
"Yes," she says looking at the guy.
"I'm Commander Hicks," he tells her looking over her shoulder at the others behind her, "But you can call me Hicks," he says.
"Please call me Shannara," she tells him putting her hand out to him, Hicks shakes it, "What you just said is nothing but a mouth full."
"If you and your team will follow me I'll show you to our briefing room," Hicks tells her.
Walking into the briefing room, Shannara sees that there are already people waiting for them.
"This is S.W.A.T. D-Team, they'll be partnering up with you and your team," Hicks tells her.
"Everyone, this is Shannara Banks, Executive Assistant Director for National Security and her team. Ms. Banks," Hicks says seeing the look on her face, "Shannara, this is Sargent Daniel Harrelson, he's over the team."
"Sargent," Shannara says.
"Call me Hondo. Everyone does," he tells her.
"Alright, Hondo. When the teams are together I'm in charge! Got it?" Shannara asks him.
All of the D-Team looks at each other than look at Hondo who's looking at Hicks who nods at Hondo.
"Whatever you say," Hondo tells her.
"Good! Glad we got that out of the way. Let's get to work!" she tells them.
When the shift is over, everyone with the F.B.I. leaves S.W.A.T. headquarters.
With the D-team not too far behind them.


Sitting at a bar, Shannara is working on her fourth drink.
With her eyes closed, she taps her fingernail on her glass as she thinks about her sister and her family and how she has watched Flight 175 crash into the South tower over and over again.
Every time she thinks about them, she wishes she could have been on the flight and what she could have done to stop the terrorists. Saving the lives on the flight and the people in the South tower.
Just when a tear is about to make its way out of her left eye, she feels a tap on her shoulder.
She opens her eyes and looks to her right to see Hondo standing there, "Are you alright?" he asks her.
"Yeah," she tells him looking back to her drink, "I better go," she says as she gets in her bag.
Pulling money out she lays it on the bar, "See you later, Daniel," she tells him while standing up from her bar stool.
Walking around him, she heads toward the door and walks out.
Turning around he hurries and follows her out of the bar.
Looking both ways, Hondo sees her walking down the sidewalk.
"Are you sure you're alright?" he asks her when he catches up.
"I'm fine," she says as she stumbles into an alley.
Hondo hurries and catches her before she falls, "How much did you have to drink?"
"Not enough," Shannara says then breaks down crying.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Hondo asks her.
Shannara looks at him and into his dark eyes. She moves closer and starts kissing him.
Realizing what she's doing, she quickly backs away, "Oh god! I'm sorry! Your wife certainly wouldn't appreciate me doing that," she says to him.
Hondo moves closer to her, "I don't have a wife," he tells her before he starts kissing her.
Shannara puts her hands on his arms and feels how muscular they are.


Unlocking the door to his house, Shannara and Hondo can't keep their hands and mouths off each other.
Quickly moving her down the hallway, Hondo leads her into his bedroom. 


I'm not 100% sure I'm going to continue this.

The last time I put up a Hondo story, no one was interested in it.  That's when I turned it into a Luca one and that took off. 

If you're interested in this story, make it known by liking and commenting. 

Hondo's S.W.A.T:  Falling In Love With The Sargeant (Hondo)Where stories live. Discover now