Special: The Story Of New Zealand

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Forth splashed his legs back and forth in the water, watching the little waves they made across the surface of the pool.

He was only distracted when a certain someone joined him, his legs making a much larger splash as he entered the water.

"Why are you sitting here alone?" Beam asked.

"It's boring." Forth answered, trying not to look at him.

Beam's parents were currently chatting away with his in the living room, and he really didn't feel like being forced to talk to them for the night and so retreated to the backyard.

Plus, it was also so that he could attempt to avoid Beam, though that was an utter failure.

He wondered if the boy was noticing that he was putting up a distance between them as he tried to sort his feelings out.

Probably. Beam was always smarter than him after all.

Forth made a point of not thinking too much, because that was how all problems started, but he was only human and thus, was certainly failing at that.

Especially now when he had his... crush so near.

Ugh, when did he become so pathetic?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Beam asked softly, a hint of worry in his voice. "Your acting weird."

Forth did his best to shrugg carelessly. "I just have a lot on my mind. That's all."

"Thinking about what?"

"You know... The future and stuff." He muttered, praying that Beam wouldn't press more.

"Hmm... It seems like your finally growing up a little aren't you?" Beam teased, punching his shoulder.

"And what do you mean by that?" Forth retorted, easily faking outrage. He really hoped Beam didn't notice that his eyes were focused above his head.

"You know what I mean. You never seemed to care about your future before."

"Oh, I see. I didn't know I had a second mother." Forth teased back, feeling a mischievous smile creep onto his lips.

"Hey!" He flinched as water landed on his face, Beam splashing him repeatedly with the pool water in revenge.

"You better apologise!"

"Okay, okay! I'll apologize, just stop!" Forth pleaded desperately, waiting until Beam finally stopped before launching his own attack back.

Forth couldn't help but laugh loudly, having more fun that he had in a while.

Finally the two of them began to grow tired, announcing a truce.

"Did you have to be so brutal? I'm soaking wet." Forth complained, feeling his shirt stick to his body uncomfortably.

"You did the same to me! Lend me one of your shirts, I need to change." Beam exclaimed, taking his shirt off without a hint of hesitation to dry it out.

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