Chapter 9: New life

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The next morning Raven and Angle both get up and get ready for work ready to start the day on their new life's.  They run on their way to work at the lumber yard as they get closer to their destination they slow down to a walk, yes running is faster but they can not risk it remember they are faster than the average humans and they can not risk any questions. 

Why cant we run all the way to work. Angle asks.

But we can not raise suspicions  from others around us so we must act as normal as we can so we cant run now for the rest of the day.

Okay, sounds good to me Angle says.

We get to work and right away we are told that we are going to be cutting the wood because we look like we are strong enough not to get cut. And as we work we both see that we are the only females here and we are doing as many work, but that is not a problem for us because what they do not know is we are stronger than they are.
During the work day many of the men were giving angle and raven questioning looks and the girls could not tell them off, so they kept working.

Raven, how can they look at us like that. I mean we are doing the same work that they are doing, says angle.
Because  they do not know is so they do what they want and what they want is to get us started but we will not let them, we will do our work and then we will go home.

At the end of the work day the two are so tired that they cant think right but once they get to the woods they take off running in the direction  of home.

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