Pure soul - Guo Changcheng

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"Ch.. Ch.. Chu ge..."

"What??" Asked grumpy Chu

"Today.. I want to leave early.. and.. "

"And what??"

"And.. and.. can I..  can you..."

Chu's patience reached peak and shouted.. "what do you want to say exactly??"

Guo's eyes filled with tears. He lowered his head inorder to hide them and said in a low voice..
"Can you accompany me today, I want to meet my parents and I want to ask you to join the dinner at my house?"

Chu got surprised with the sudden invitation and he nodded as he accepted the invitation.

In the evening, Guo took Chu to the cemetery where his parents are and he spoke with them for a while and introduced Chu making him surprised more..

"Ma.. Ba.. this is Chu ge I've been telling you.."

After sometime, he lead Chu to his house and it was decorated with balloons and ribbons..

"Is there any birthday party going on in your house? Whose birthday it is? I didn't know your uncle has small kids.." Chu enquired while looking at the room with decorations making Guo embarrassed..

"Chu ge.. it's my birthday today!"

He just rolled his eyes kept silent. Guo's uncle and aunty came home and the party started.. it was just them 4 people. And they had their dinner silently. Later, they spoke a few minutes about their work and Chu wanted to leave as he saw Guo yawning.

All the while he's observing Guo silently and thought what a pure soul he is and how lucky he is to be this naive. He doesn't need to worry about anything. He wanted to ask something but he thought 'later'..

Chu bowed to them and when he's about to leave Guo walked along with him.

"You should sleep. You're looking tired"

"I'm ok Chu ge.. I know you want to ask something. So,  I will walk with you for a while.."

They walked in silent for a while and when they reached a small park near Guo's house, they sat on a bench.

"Now you can ask. Is that about my birthday party?"

Chu never thought Guo will understand his thoughts exactly and he never seized to surprise him..

"Yes. Aren't you big enough to stop this kinda celebrations for birthday?"

Guo smiled so innocently and said "it's not just my birthday today. It's also the day my parents left me alone in this world when I'm still a kid.

I still remember that day just like yesterday. My mom kissed my cheek and said she'll celebrate my birthday even when I get old and even when I had kids coz I'll always be a small son for her.

That night when we are returning from the park, they met with the accident and.."

He couldn't complete his sentence. Chu, unconsciously wrapped his hand around Guo's shoulder and took him into his embrace..

Guo got reddish with this simple act yet so caring..

"So, I never stopped celebrating as I considered this as my mother's last wish."

"But your uncle said you never invited anyone for your birthday. Why did you invite me then?" Chu had to ask.

"That's because.. you.. you are family!" Guo couldn't get any reddish than now in his whole life.

Chu couldn't hold himself now and he slowly kissed him on his forehead.

He handed his puppet to him and said..

"Happy birthday Xiao Guo!"

"Happy birthday Xiao Guo!"

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