We Just Want to Play

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Day 24 - Writing Prompt - She burst into the room and scream, "What the hell have you done with the children?" Tell us what happens next in no more than 200 words.

She bursts into the room and screams, "What the hell have you done with the children?"

I blink at her, thoughts reeling at the unexpected accusation. "Children?" I question. "What children?"

"Ours," she cries, tears streaming down her face.

I find myself awash in a sea of confusion. "We don't have any children."

She lets out an anguished moan, eyes frantically casting about as if trying to catch glimpses of them. "No, no, no, no, no... They were just there." She points outside the door. "They can't be gone. They were just there. You had to have seen them."

"Honey, what are you talking about? We've never had any children."

She pulls back, eyes wide and terrified. "You killed them, didn't you? They told me you did, but I didn't want to belive them."

"What?" I sputter indignantly. "How can I kill imaginary children?"

She starts to tremble, eyes darting between me and the nightstand. Like a blur, she rushes for it, fumbling with the drawer. Too late, I realize her goal. She turns, gun gleaming in her unsteady hands. "Give them back to me," she demands.

I have no words. How can I bring back something that never existed?

A cold hand grips my wrist. I glance down. "It's okay, daddy. Come and join us."

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