(Ch.27) The Ocean's Call

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My blushing face couldnt be hidden by the moon's intense radiant light coming through the windows.

"So now you ans-"

" Wait" I interrupted him finally getting inches away from him.

"Are you telling me that you just excersised! At this time!? What time is it anyway?"

"It's about to be 2 A.M and yes I couldnt sleep which is why I decided to exhaust myself by doing push ups."

"I thought excercising was to get the body energized and awake."

"Well yes it does, but not after taking a nice warm bath. It makes me feel sleepy afterwards."

This guy was crazier than i thought

"Now, enough with your questions because you still havent answer mine. And since you asked me two more questions I'll be doing the same. So hear me out"

"You wont use your quirk on me if I answer right?" I leaned my back to the wall that faced the windows of the hallway and looked at him suspiciously.

"No of course not, I dont have the energy right now to use my quirk on you. Trust me." Hitoshi smiled "innocently"

"I don't trust you, but I'll at least return the favor of answering my questions so go ahead. Ask away."

"First question, why are you awake at this time?"

"I just wanted to get some fresh air since I couldn't sleep too" I lied hoping he could buy it and he did.

"I see, but you didnt have to shut my mouth with your hand" he smirked but it didnt have any effect on me this time.

"Second question, how close have you been with the other guys?"

Do I really need to answer that? I thought it was for only me to know.

"I wish to not answet that" Hitoshi was not satisfied with my reply so he began to insist.

"I answered your questions so you need to do the same princess"

"Why do you wish to know that?"

"I'll answer your question but that'll just add a fourth question for you to answer"

"Fine", I said

"I want to know because lately, you havent pay attention to any of the other guys and me except for Midoriya, Bakugou, Shouto, and your dear friend Kanata. Which is why I want to know how far you or them have gotten with you to give them more attention than us."

He was right, I've only been interacting with them four and Aizawa which nobody knows about except for Kanata. I still need to find the traitor and if it isnt any of those four than I'm just wasting my time. If I want for this contest to be over soon, I need to think of a better tactic to figure all of this out.

"So that is why you want to know? So you can step up your game?"

"Pretty much, but the other guys as well want to but dont know how. Some are scared of you and other's are too shy too aproach you. Others just dont know how and that would be me."

He said some were scared and others just too shy, but Deku is shy and he still aproaches me. Maybe because he really wants to help the orphans and the whole kingdom, which doesnt make him sound like a villain or traitor. Its official, Deku is out of the list.

So if the other guys are too afraid to talk to me, then it could mean that one of them might be the traitor? But it doesn't make sense though, if one of them were the traitor they would try at least to get some info from me unless they were afraid to spill out something that will give them away easily. I need to come up with a better tactic like i said.

I cant still jump into conclusions. It will only make things worse.

"Princess can you stop thinking and answer my question already?" Hitoshi brought me back to reality with his voice.

"Oh you're still here" I said joking around

"Very funny, yes Im still here"

"To answer your question, Ive only beeing visited, kissed, hugged, or gotten help to go to the restroom. Backugou helped me with that while I was injured from my back."

"He escorted you to the restroom?"

"He only helped me in getting there thats it!" I clarified trying to not be too loud.

"You owe me a fourth question now" i said

"Fine by me. My third question, who do you feel more attracted to from those four?"

Okay I definetely didn't know how to answer that. A couple of hours ago I was telling myself that those four make me feel different feelings that I still dont know if they are "love". I thought I knew when I had a huge crush on Kanata but I dont know if it was true love.

And with all of our arguments lately, I feel like he's different from what he used to be. He is been more possesive. Is that it?

"Im sorry Hitoshi but I myself dont know the answer to that question yet. The four of them have their own ways to just make me feel a certain different way that I myself still don't know what they actually are. All of this is new to me. Either it is admiration, hatred or even desire. I dont know. So ask me your final question"

"Hmm I thought you were going to say it was your dear friend Kanata, since you both have known each of other for too long I suppose. But anyways let us proceed."


"My fourth question hmm...?

I waited patiently for him to think of something but not really. I just wanted to be over with the questioning so I could go to bed. But I couldn't go to bed yet as he said...

"Can I kiss you?"

To Be Continued...

(Ch.28) Preview

"I began to unbutton his shirt and I could see his build up body. His body was in good shape better than mine and thats a fact."

Author's Note

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