"Sorry was lost in me thoughts Peter" Aurora confessed as he came to stand in front of her.
Throwing his arms around Aurora's back, Peter pulled her close and began to rock both of them back and forth, his laughter ringing through her ears.
"How is me favourite Daisy?! It's been years!" Peter exclaimed, his hold becoming tighter with each second.
"M'good and you Peter? What you doing back?" Aurora wheezed out before finally managing to break free from his grip with a smile.
"Thought coming home might help me head after me divorce" Peter admitted pursing his lips like his struggles were nothing but an inconvenience.
"Sorry to hear that Peter"
"I'm not, if I hadn't came back I wouldn't of seen little Daisy would I?"
He hadn't changed in the slightest, Aurora noted. Peter was still a charmer and easy going, nothing ever seemed to bother him.
"I've missed you Peter! I didn't think I'd see you again!" Aurora exclaimed linking her arm through his and continuing on her journey.
"Well I'm 'ere now Daisy and we have a lot of years to catch up on" Peter chirped, patting her hand while admiring the beautiful views around him.
How he had miss the northern girls!
"We can start right now, come the shop with me and then we'll go back to mine for tea and cake" Aurora offered, feeling delighted at the thought of Peter staying in town.
"Can't right now, m'on me way to Nana's but how about tonight?" Peter offered bringing them to a stop and ruffling Aurora's hair.
Stepping back, Aurora gave him a mocking glare, unamused by the action he had done so much as a child which typically ended up with him being smacked and Aurora refusing to speak to him for a few minutes. She could never ignore him for long, Peter would always do or say something silly that had Aurora in fits of laughter.
"I'd love that! Say six o'clock?"

After giving Peter her address and receiving another hair ruffle, Aurora had proceeded to push him away, swearing loudly as she marched off. Some people looked at her in disgust but rather than feel bad, Aurora laughed, Peter brought out the worst in her. They had been separated constantly in school but now they were adults and no Mrs Counter was going to stop them. Now that Peter was home, perhaps he could even meet Tommy. Peter had always been another brother to Aurora so it was only natural that he was introduced to the man who was entrapping her heart. Aurora wasn't sure how they'd bond, Peter was quite the toff coming from a rich family and a strict family but he was also kind hearted, good and a traitor to his class.

Aurora spent an hour in town before making her way home. Now that she knew she would have a guest, Aurora was adamant to clean the house and make sure everything was gleaming. She would also bake some pastries, cakes and pies as she wasn't certain what Peter liked, they had be apart for such a long time.
Did he drink alcohol or did he prefer tea, coffee?
Did she have enough alcohol in?
Aurora loved to have guests, she just hated the amount of work that went into making everything perfect but this was only Peter. He was her silly friend who had been picked on by the other kids for the gap between his teeth. In all honesty Aurora wasn't sure how they would act with one another, they were adults now and couldn't play out in the streets like they had once done. It was then Aurora realised she didn't know much about her friend at all. She knew the boy from before but she didn't know the man who had moved down South, the man who had been through a divorce. Aurora wondered if he had children of his own, another woman to take home to his family, perhaps he had brought her with him.

Aurora had been busy cleaning when the phone began to rang and throwing down her cleaning rag with a sigh, Aurora made her way into the hall. She wanted it to be Tommy, she needed someone to help with her boredom and who better than him?
Picking up the phone, Aurora quickly greeted the exchange and waited for the call to come through.
"Afternoon Bairn!" Her Mam's cheery voice came through and hearing the happiness in her tone, Aurora smiled to herself.
"Afternoon Mam, how are you?"
"I'm doing good love, listen your Dad wants to know if you can come to the office at seven? He's got a meeting and needs you to take notes"
Her words made Aurora's heart freeze and feeling a sense of panic come over her, she moved the phone away from her ear and took a few deep breaths. No the answer was no, Aurora didn't want to see her Dad, she didn't want to talk to him. She felt like a misbehaved child running from a good hiding although this time it was not her at fault. Then as she continued to panic did Aurora remember she had the perfect reason not to attend the meeting, the perfect reason not to face the python who would snap its fangs at her and devour her as if she were a mere mouse seconds away from its untimely death.

A Shelby Mistress Where stories live. Discover now