Chapter 17- My Siblings Blow Up the Kitchen

Start from the beginning

The screen showed horrible camera skills and only half the screen was actually visible, having obviously been filmed while hiding the phone behind the desk. However, no one cared. No one breathed. They all just watched.

Percy was getting yelled at by what looked to be the teacher. The 8 year old was so small compared to the other students visible, making the sight even worse.

"There is no such thing as an easy life, got it? Just look at me, I'm stuck here teaching a stupid toddler how to read English. Then there he goes trying to write in- in- What is this? Some Satanic ritual writing!? I mean, what the hell is this!? You're supposed to be taking notes!" She lifts up the notebook in front of Percy and waves it around almost violently.

"It's Greek, not Satanic!" Percy defends, but that only makes things worse. The teacher violently slammed the book onto the desk.

"Don't talk back to me! I'm the teacher and you're the student! Know your place!" She hissed before walking back to the front. The screen zooms in on Percy mouthing her words in a mocking manner behind her back and doing a dance in his seat as she was distracted. It would have amused the Avengers if they weren't in shock of what they had just witnessed.

The worst part: the video was nowhere near over.

The video switched to later on in the class, as if the video had paused and started again suddenly at a different time.

This time, it showed Percy leaning boredly on his hand on the desk, a pencil being spun between his fingers with ease in his free hand. The video zoomed in on his pencil moving around in almost a blur.

"That's so cool! How does he do that?" The student's voice whispered into the camera.

"JACKSON! How many times have I told you to cease that obnoxious fiddling!? And sit up, you little runt!" The teacher burst out, interrupting her own lecture.

Percy rolled his eyes and sat up before lazily stretching his arms in the air.


In the blink of an eye, the teacher was standing next to Percy. She grabbed Percy in what looked like a painfully tight grip and brought the sleeve of his hoodie down to above his elbow.

This revealed a tattoo on his forearm to the entire class and the camera. A black trident with the letters SPQR and black lines underneath.

"It's against School Policy to have tattoos! What is this supposed to be anyways!? Do you think having some random marking will make you cool and popular? Think again, runt!"

"And I'm sure it's against LEGAL policies to be grabbing a student! Let go of me, already!" Percy retorted, pulling his arm away from the teacher.

"Don't talk to me like that, you disrespectful little brat! Honestly, what would your parents say? They should have raised you better-"


"EXCUSE ME!!! I DON'T THINK I WAS DONE TALKING, NOW WAS I!?" The teacher screeched before she stopped and grinned evilly. "Were good parents, huh? I guess they kicked the bucket, right? Keep talking back to me and I'll just have to phone home and tell whoever your guardian is of what an irresponsible little shit you've been. I feel bad for them to have YOU as their ward. You'll always be a burden to them."

Percy went silent, glaring at the back of her head as she walked triumphantly toward the front again.

The screen changed to a later time in the class once more, not giving the Avengers enough time to be able to process what they had just seen. This time, the screen was showing Percy standing at the front of the class with a thick book in his hand. The teacher was standing off to the side with a smirk while Percy was visibly struggling to read the words on the book.

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