"Plans for tonight?"

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"Ummm, well I was meant to get the train back home, but I think the last one left half an hour ago. So I think I'm gonna call a cab"
"What," you give a confused look.
"Look, I have a hotel room. It's not far from here and it's got sofas and stuff, so you can stay with me if you like?"
You stare blankly for a minute, Did yungblud just invite you to his hotel room. WTF!
"Uhhh, Yeah. Okay!"
You both finish off your beers and head outside.
You lean against a wall as Dom calls a cab.

You catch Dom staring at you. "What," you laugh but he doesn't say anything, "WHAT?"
" you look really cool!"
"So do you," you smirk.
There is a short amount of time where you just look at each other, neither of you say anything and it doesn't feel awkward. Your cab pulls up and Dom opens the door for you to get in. "Thanks."
Dom gets in a shuts the door behind him. You both chat in the taxi ride, which is only about five minutes long.

It's so surreal, for months now you have imagined something like this happening. And you have posters of him on your wall at home. Your drawers are filled with merchandise and you follow almost every fan account on instagram. But In real life, he was nicer, kinder and so much more good looking even though it's hard to believe.

The cab door opens and you jump back to reality. Dom takes your hand as you step out of the cab. The hotel looks amazing. Large stone walls with little carvings and huge marble pillars hold the entrance up. A man who is very smartly dressed opens the golden doors and points in the direction of the foyer. Dom nods to him to say thank you and you mouth 'thanks'.

It's quite cold outside so your glad to be in the warmth. Dom has obviously already checked in as he leads you to the lift to go up to the room. He reaches out his hand for you and you take it. You don't say anything but your really happy inside. He smirks, and you giggle too. Inside the lift, Dom presses floor 22 on the tower of buttons and you note that it's near the top. The lift dings and the doors open, both of you are still holding hands and the lift has landed on floor 15. Two teenage girls get in a smile to you. One of them looks again, "Oh my god, your yungblud!!" You let go of Dom's hand. He takes a photo with them, and the lift arrives at floor 22. "See you later, Rock'n'Roll stars!" He smiles at the girls and we leave the lift. You don't feel angry that you let go of holding hands because you get it, he's famous.

You arrive at room 604, and He unlocks it with a key card. Inside the room is incredible, it's very modern but it's also cosy and traditional.

"Wow!" You gasp, "this is amazing"
Inside suitcases lay open on the bed and clothes are scrunched up inside with the often pink sock creeping through. You laugh.
"What," Dom asks.
"So many pink socks!!"
"Yeah I love them man, fucking stylish"
"They're cool"
"Have some"
He throws some socks at you and you catch them and put them on. They are really comfy.
"Do you want me to leave for a bit while you get changed?"
"I don't have anything"
"Shit. Well have something of mine." he gives you an oversized black hoodie.
"I don't have any other tracksuit bottoms except the ones I'm wearing..."
"It's fine I'm cool with this"
He leaves and you put the hoodie on, throwing your clothes into a corner and you use the sink to take off your makeup. Dom comes back in.
"It suits you more."
"The hoodie"
You climb on top of the bed and just sit there on your phone while Dom gets changed. He leaves the tracksuit bottoms on and takes his top off. You peek up from your phone and smile. Holy shit! He is hot. He throws his clothes into the corner too. "Do you want a drink"
"Yeah sure what is there?"
He heads over to the old fashioned beverage table.
"Ummm, vodka, brandy, whiskey..."
He pours the drink into two small glasses and hands you one whilst he gets into the bed. You take a sip and put the drink onto the bedside table. You get into the bed. Dom looks at you.
"I've really enjoyed today, like the concert was mad and it was so cool meeting the fans after, but I'm really fucking glad I met you."
You look at him and smile.
"I've been a fan of yours for ages and I cannot believe I met you today but honestly your even better in real life."
He looks a You for a moment and leans in, you lean in too. Your lips meet and he puts his hand at the side of your face you kiss for a moment and you both pull away. You both smile and then you kiss again, this time it's more brief but you smile still. His hand stays on your face as you place your head on his chest and he wraps his other arm around you. Both of you fall asleep peacefully, in each other's arms.

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