The Concert

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After what seemed like a lifetime of waiting, it was only twenty minutes before the doors opened. The line had grew huge and there were rumours it kept going down five streets! Thank god you had gotten to the front when you did and even though two hours was a long time, you knew it would be worth the wait. A large built security guard, dressed in a casual black tee and trousers brought out metres of pink tape and hooked it round posts along the side of the fans waiting, closing in the fans. After five minutes the security guard returned and stood cross-armed next to the entrance, mirroring another large built security man.

A few minutes passed and a taxi appeared, the side door opened and out came Adam (Yungblud's guitarist) followed by Michael (Yungblud's drummer), they winked at a few screaming girls and entered the building. Every fans eyes drew towards the car again and a glimpse of pink socks and black creepers set foot on the pavement, a signature look. Yungblud was here. The fans began screaming again and so did Dom this time his Northern accent sent the crowd buzzing as he screamed hello's and alright's at the crowd. He hugged a few girls in front of us and took pictures and laughed with them. My breathing became heavy as he approached us, my mind racking thoughts of what to say. Then he was there, in front of me. I froze, for a second it felt unreal.
"You alright, what's your name?!"   
"Ummmm, it's ummmm y/n"
"Cool man, it's nice to meet you. Have a good time a the show yeah, I'll see you out there!"
"Yeah," it was so weird in a matter of seconds he made you feel so comfortable and your words became easy again, "Can I get a picture?"
"Yeah man of course"
You get a picture and smile with appreciation as he moves on to the people behind you.

You turn to your best friend, "that did not just happen!"
You both scream and Dom enters back around and into the building

Five minutes later...
The doors open and a casually dressed lady checks your tickets. She plasters a bright pink wristband onto your wrist and you run into the venue. You clench onto the barriers and you smile ecstatically. You got to the front. The venue fills behind you and the black doors shut at the back. The lights dim. The background music stops and a bright pink yungblud signs lights up the stage. From the corner of your eye you spot him, he runs on stage ADHD adrenaline fuelled through his veins and he leaps up into the air.
"Alright, I'm YUNGBLUD and this is a song about northerrnn England..."
The start of 'I Love You Will You Marry Me' plays and the crowd goes wild.
The concert continues and is about three quarters of the way through when the end of 'Loner' stops playing and Dom stands up to the microphone about to say something.
"So, I'm gonna play my last song now," the crowns boo's, "hey, hey i wanna meet more of you meet me at the pub on the corner twenty minutes after the show!" Once again the crowd becomes lively and Dom finishes his set with 'Machine Gun'. He blows a kiss at the audience and leaves. For a moment the room is silence but then filled with the slightly loud whispers of plans to get the the pub.
You and y/b/f look at each other, you know what each other is thinking. However your at the front of the stage which means your going to be last out, you shrug and leave behind everyone else anyway.

As you are approaching the pub you here people moaning and looking really upset, in front a group of girls look sad as they turn to you.
"It's ten thirty, they won't let under 18's in"
The girls pass and you didn't want to rub it in their faces but both you and your best friend had just turned 18. You took out your ID's and walked up to the pub doors.
"18 and over only!"
You both handed over your ID's and were allowed inside.

There in front of you sat Dom and about ten other girls. The place was empty, obviously the rest of the crowned weren't old enough to get it but it was good really because it meant you could properly meet Dom.
"Hey Darlin', how are ya"
"Good thanks, Shame you can't meet all your fans tonight, they looked so gutted"
"I know i forgot about the time when I said about coming here"
The other girls introduced themselves, they all seemed really friendly and for hours you bonded over Dom's music.
Every half an hour passed and more girls left, until there was you, your best friend, Dom, Adam, Michael, and two girls left. Dom was called outside by his manager for a minute and Adam and Michael followed, after twenty minutes passed they still hadn't come back and it was now 11:45. The two girls up and left, and you and y/b/f decided to stay and have one more drink. You both sat at the bar and ordered beers. After five minutes, the boys returned. Dom looked at you.
"Your still here?"
"Yeah, we decided to get one more drink"
"Oh, cool can we join you?"
"Yeah, sure!"
You sat and chatted again. Y/b/f had to leave though, family emergency, conveniently at the same time as Adam, you giggled. Michael left, which just left you and Dom. He looked at the empty glasses of beers.
"One more?"
You both laughed.
"Yeah, go on"
You both sat chatting at a booth in the pub. This was so weird and it seemed surreal. You were sat in a pub, WITH YUNGBLUD. YUNGBLUD. Wtf!
Your mind came back to reality.
"So plans for tonight?" He asked.

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