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Her natural curls bounced around as she walked into the building. She was the very definition of power and sexy put together. She didn't seem to walk on the ground but glided through...other mere mortals could only look in awe. Her name Adeola Nnema.
'Have you set up a meeting with Infinity Pharmaceutical ?..Adeola asked.
' Yes, we have them today at noon, her assistant replied as the they walked into the elevator.'Push that meeting to two pm, ' Adeola said typing furiously away at her pad.
' but...' her assistant begun ...and the glare Adeola threw her way made her shut it with a simple ' will do'
Her firm Chapter Four was among the most reputable advocates in Astrid.Chapter Four dealt with mainly human rights and was responsible for bringing down big conglomerates to their knees and at the helm of it all Adeola Nnema. Underestimating
her had caused many of these companies a fortune and left them licking wounds.Chapter Four was akin to the biblical David that slayed Goliath.
It was a small firm that comprised of only 7 advocates, 2 paralegals and a receptionist.
The battle they were currently embroiled in involved the giants Infinity Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Litigants after litigants had tried to file action suits against the company to naught. The current drug that they were manufacturing Illsopenxyl was responsible for cancerous tumours among its users. So far the joint plaintiffs in the case against Infinity Pharmaceuticals were eight.
The elevator came to a stop at the sixth floor where the Chapter Four offices were located..
At the entrance of the office in golden was the name of the firm.Adeola and her assistant Robin walked in to the ever cheerful face of Melissa the receptionist.
'Morning my peeps' she said in her usual cheery face. Melissa had been with the company since it's very foundation. Melissa's ex husband, a former tycoon who had been involved in insider trading n all sorts of fraud had put her through hell...going through women faster than a man dying of  thirst drinking water,his indiscretions became so increasingly unbearable to the extent she was forced to seek divorce. His lawyers however made sure to frustrate every proceeding until she came across Chapter Four who helped her get what rightfully belonged to her, since then she had become inseparable with the firm.
'Morning' Robin replied following after her boss who simply nodded in the direction of  Melissa and continued talking on the phone as they entered her office .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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