Chapter 19: Last Chapter

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"Y/N, you remember don't you?" Daniel asked, with a small smile. Slowly you nodded your head up and down as the room became silent.

"You were at that terrible sweater Christmas p-party," you said, your voice low. A small chuckle escaped the brown eyed boy as he nodded his head.

"I was and it was pretty terrible wasn't it?" He leaned closer as you nodded your head. A hand squeezed your hand. You knew Brittany was nervous, but you squeezed back not leaving Daniel's eye sight. "Maybe Brittany here can have new Christmas party. I'll even help."

"Th-That would be f-fun," you whispered with a small smile inching to your lips. Daniel nodded as he leaned back in his seat. He looks to Brittany and gives her a small smile. "W-What's wrong?"

"Nothing kiddo. I do have to ask a couple questions that's all." You slowly move your head to lock eyes with Brittany's. Her eyes stay on the tan skinned boy and nods her head. Again you move your head to look at Daniel who nods his head simply looking to the ground and then back up. His brown eyes darting back and forth between yours and Brittany's. "What happened before the cops showed up?"

"A lot happened Daniel..." Brittany's voice traveled shaking her head from side to side. Daniel nodded his head moving a bit in his seat.

"Anna shot Y/N?" Daniel looked to you as your eyes locked with his. You looked away slowly and down to your hands. You messed with the blanket feeling Brittany squeeze your other hand. "How'd Anna get shot?"

"I shot her," Brittany said. "I shot her when she failed to shoot me. She dropped her gun and I pulled out a gun I found in the shed. I shot her multiple times." Silence filled the air.

"I'm sorry..Sorry it had to come to that." Daniel's voice was filled with concern. You couldn't help but look up and look to him. Your lips separated and you went to speak.

"Is...Is A-Anna dead?" You question. A tight squeeze came from Brittany on your hand. You squeezed back but never let Daniel's eyes. He looked to you and slowly nodded his head.

"When we arrived to the scene there was barely a pulse," he paused then continued. "The medics loaded her up and got her to the hospital. She died on the table in surgery." His words lingered in the air as you looked away and lay your head back against the pillows. Slow, uneven breaths escaped your lips as your eyes looked up at the ceiling. You lay there, not knowing how to feel. You heard a faint voice and then chatter and moving of chairs. Before long you heard the door close and felt a presence near you. You looked to meet eyes with Brittany's.

"Scoot over babe," Brittany whispered. Slowly and carefully you moved over in the hospital bed. The redhead girl soon crawled in next to you putting the blanket you were under over herself. You leaned into her, your head laying on her chest. "It's over Y/N."

"It d-doesn't feel like it's r-real," you whispered shutting your eyes a moment. Brittany's hand begins to play with the end of your hair.

"I know baby. But you know what, we're going to get through whatever else life has in store." Brittany leans down placing a gentle kiss upon your head. "We're together until the very end."

{2 Months Later}

"Y/N come on! The guests are here!" Brittany's voice rang from downstairs. You stayed in your room staring at yourself in the mirror. Your shirt lifted up, the gun shot wound almost healed. You slowly rub your fingers against the wound feeling the bumps and roughness. Your eyes close a moment until your hear a knock on your door. You jump, your shirt flying down as you turn around locking with green eyes.

"Hey, Brittany let me up," a girl spoke. You gave her a small smile.

"That's okay. I didn't think you were coming, Ivy," you said, your eyes scanning her Christmas sweater. "Lovely sweater." Ivy's green eyes looked down to the llama on her shirt.

"Well the invitation did say where a christmas sweater," Ivy laughed. Your own laughter followed as you walked towards her. Your arm wraps around the girl's shoulders as the two of you head downstairs. Downstairs a group of people gather, talking and laughing and drinking eggnog while dinner was being prepared. You and Ivy walk into the living room where Brittany and Daniel sit together on the couch speaking with two others about the workforce. Brittany however stands when she spots you and grabs her glass of eggnog. Gently she grabs a knife and taps it against the glass.

"Hello everyone! Can I have your attention please?" Brittany shouted above everyone's chatter. Everyone soon calmed down as Brittany set down the knife and her glass. She looked around the room, a smile against her lips. "Hi everyone! Thank you all for coming to this Christmas gathering!" Hoots and hollers echoed through the room for a moment before Brittany continued. "Well before we sit down and eat I just wanted to give a gift to a special, brave and strong girl. Who showed me light in many dark times. Y/N, can you come over here?" Slowly you walk over a confused expression spread on your face. You stood beside Brittany as she wrapped one arm around you. Daniel reaches behind him bring out a giant manilla envelope, handing it to Brittany.

"I know the past couple of years have been a struggle and you've lost a lot, but I wanted to make this Christmas and many more special for the both of us." Gently Brittany unwraps her arm from around you and hands you the envelope. You open it feeling all eyes on you, soon you slip out a piece of paper, your eyes scanning it briefly. Tears fill your eyes as you pick your head up and turn towards Brittany. A smile covered her face as you dropped the paper and wrapped your arms around the ginger. Applauses and cheers covered the room as you continued to hug the redhead girl.

"I can't believe you got the forms signed.." Your voice trailed off as you stayed in the hugging position.

"I told you I wanted you to be my kid, now you are." The two of you stood in silence, continuing to hug. Christmas music began playing in the background while the guests started talking amongst themselves once again.

"I love you," you whispered, closing your eyes.

"I love you too kid," Brittany whispered, pulling away a moment kissing the top of your head. The two of you looked out into the sea of guests. Daniel stood up and hugged you as you hugged him back. You separated walking towards Ivy who had tears in her eyes. You wrap your arms around her and shake your head. No words are spoken as you two hugs but you pull apart and she mouths, "Merry Christmas." You smile and nod as Daniel gets up on the table shouting at the top of his lungs.

"DINNER IS SERVED!" Another round of applause are heard and everyone starts adventuring to the kitchen. Everyone takes a seat and everyone begins to feast. Smiles and laughters fill the room. You sit next to Ivy on one side and Brittany on the other. Smiles on both of your faces after years of being scared...


A/N: Hello beautiful people! Thank you all so much for reading this book! I had no idea whether or not people were going to read it or not. But I'm so glad you read! I loved writing this book and I know it's short. I thought the story itself needed to come to an end. I hope you all aren't mad :)

But I will say or well ask, what kinds of stories would you like to see next? Let me know in the comments or send me a private message! I'd love to hear some new ideas as I work on some new stories!

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن