Alexa: So, Archangel, welcome back to a Moment of Bliss! I didn't get a chance to ask you after our match last month, "How's your back feeling?"

The WWE Universe gave a loud "ooh" as Heyman looked across smugly and the Herald from High smirked, inching his face closer to Alexa's, mantaining the smirk

"My back is fine", he said. "I was led to believe from my previous appearance on a Moment of Bliss, the questions would be more..."

His hands ran across the titles, his hand lingering on the RAW Women's Championship as his gaze lifted to meet hers, cocking his eyebrow along with that devilish smirk on his face. "Intriguing?" Alexa fanning herself with her cards with the WWE Universe chanting "Yes!" in the background before their moment was interrupted by Paul Heyman

Heyman: Ahem. Thank you for having us, Ms Bliss. Let's get down to business, shall we?

The WWE Universe booed Paul Heyman's interruption of the Celestial Moment of Bliss, both Superstars returning to their seats with their cheeks slightly rosy

Alexa: Alright then. Paul, uhm... last night, your client the PREVAILING, CONTENDING, yadda-yadda-yadda Universal Champion, walked out...

Heyman: Excuse me, but the correct proclamation is the PREVAILING, CONTENDING, IRREFUTABLE-

Grabbing the microphone from Heyman, the Archangel shocked the WWE Universe and Alexa as he looked back at the Advocate shaking his head as he handed the microphone back to Heyman and looked back to Alexa

Archangel: As you were, Bliss

Alexa: ... retaining the Universal Championship. What is next for the Archangel?

Heyman: Well, this brings us to WWE Fastlane. My client defended the title last night inside one of the most brutal and barbaric structures ever constructed. He will be paying close attention to Finn Balor until his match at WrestleMania-

Snatching the mic out of the Advocate's hands once again, the WWE Universe looked at the Universal Champion as he eyed his emissary with a gaze he cast normally in matches and after Murphy had attacked him the previous night. The WWE Universe was shocked when the Archangel gripped the suit of the advocate, causing him to yelp and scream as Alexa stared wide-eyed at the scene before her

Archangel: Recognise who you serve, Heyman. I. AM NOT. BROCK LESNAR. The Beast had no voice, so you became its mouthpiece. I brought judgement and warning before you became my Emissary. I merely took pity on you without a client!

The WWE Universe, Paul Heyman and Alexa Bliss were in shock of the stunning revelation from the Archangel as he sat back in his chair. Paul getting out of his seat and heading to the back

Alexa: Well... that happened!

Alexa tossed her cards in the air and her head back as the two Latin Superstars made their way out to the ramp. Andrade with a crushing defeat after taking The Miz to the absolute limit for the Intercontinental Title only to come up just short from a reversal of the Hammerlock DDT into the Skull-Crushing Finale

Zelina: I don't believe we've had the pleasure of being formally introduced. My name, is Zelina Vega, business manager to El Idolo

Alexa with an infuriated look on her face stared into the void of the WWE Universe as La Muñeca rambled on

Zelina: ... deserving to face you for the Universal Championship it should be Andrade!

"SHUT UP!" The sudden outburst from the Goddess of WWE surprised everybody, including the Archangel as she fumed in her seat. "Every time I come out here, I am interrupted without fail! You want to face the Archangel? Well, GET IN LINE! You and Me, RIGHT NOW!"

Archangel Finds Bliss: GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now