Broken Heart

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A shocked, infuriated, Archangel stood in front of a busted down door with his girlfriend bending over for one friend and facing another. Marching towards them, one stepped forward in an attempt to apologise, he stuck his hands up to be met with a fist to the face and kick to his poor endowment, tossing him into the room's private bathroom, while the other with no remorse for his actions swung wildly as he was met with an unforgiving superkick to the jaw. Dragging the dazed man to the small, private balcony, he tossed him, locking him outside in the Australian summer heat, not before doing the same with the private bathroom and destroying the handle and stomping both their manhood, eliciting screams.

Reacting as if what just transpired was nothing, the woman dressed up in the discarded crimson cocktail dress neglecting her lingerie and saw the plane ticket, took it and with a straight face, "Let's go, baby!"

As the destroyed man looked up from the wreckage of the broken door and both men isolated in solitary confinement to the woman he once loved, saw him watch her cheat and act as if nothing happened, he looked up to catch the eyes of the cheating bitch. Roaring, he stormed out, grabbed the ticket and like a bimbo, she had the audacity to request for help with her bags. A glare that would even make the Ghost Rider's penance stare seem like puppy dog eyes stared back at her as she stepped back in fear.

Woman: Baby, what's wrong?

Wesley: Don't you "Baby" me, Sarah! You can go back and rescue your boys now and NEVER, EVER speak to me again, you VILE, DIRTY, CHEATING, MOTHERFUCKING WHORE!!!

Sarah: What? No, you bought that ticket FOR ME! It's OUR HOUSE, OUR DREAM, OUR FUTURE, OUR...


Storming out in fury with a screaming bitch up the stairs lugging down a luggage bag, the Archangel hopped in the car and told his friend to drive and don't stop for anything.

Arriving at the airport, the sub-popular athlete and his brother checked-in to first class and managed to refund the ticket before the slut rushed in a little too late as her ticket got cancelled. Turning a deaf ear on her pleas and cries, as they collected their money from the receptionist and walked through the airport to the terminal, Wilson comforted a pissed Wesley as they boarded the plane back. Needless to say, paparazzi managed to get wind of the news from the woman claiming to be the victim as a downtrodden Archangel cast a view out the window as the sky turned grey and paparazzi began to line up outside the airport.

Archangel Finds Bliss: GenesisΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα