Not a Normal Thing

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I have never been a normal girl. My family heritage was certain of it. My birth mother was supposed to be a Shinto priestess but she kind of got lost on that idea in favor of well, me and my dad. That and being a singer in a punk band.

(Sorry mum!) Her mother doesn't let me forget.

We both experience odd things and we don't always enjoy it. She was often seen as sick or checking in hospital (as I do now. I promised myself I wouldn't be this way but, here we are. I am making the same mistakes. Sometimes I feel like I should not interact with regular humans unless they want a reading.)
I've got the want and the will to be more social however, people tell me I'm great, until I become a problem.
Too much. Too strange.

That is how my mum was by her life's end only paid medium sessions. I believe highly, it becomes to hard to maintain normalcy.

I am distant, to a fault but I also think it's from years of bullying. Just when you tell your bestie you talk to dead people they kind of have "other things to do".

It doesn't matter how big your heart is, how often you let people borrow money and you have it always.

You're always left alone.

I don't blame anyone, I also cycle through periods where I want to just be with my spirits and I know that seems anti social...
For someone like me, like you do really need quite a lot of alone time for spiritual growth. When I let myself get caught on my mortal issues I neglect my spirits and the coming truth.

It's okay.Sometimes, you just want a human best friend to do things with. Go dancing, travel do some real fun things with. That thought usually passed.Usually .


It's getting to me. I honestly don't feel like my depression is my own. Nor do I feel like I'm dealing solely with imprints anymore. It's too deep. It's like spiritual muck in my room. I think the fact I want to be alone, and it's not happening for me is making it so much worse.

I can't seem to get my head clear at the time of this writing [11/11/19]. I have give up my spirit baths. However opt for offsite purging candles as they seem to actually work to clear me.
However will keep on cups on mint tea with lemon to assure a certain clarity.
Add cinnamon to help with abundance as I often do since my line of work is depending on others need of my services.

Although unlike my aunts and other family making a living providing readings I have adapted to more modern means of letting people I know exist.

Without being too damn "I'm on a mission" No, not me I'm just some girl, with mostly dead friends.
My tarot reading is oddly on point, and when I talk please listen because apparently not all my words are mine, so that's awesome.

Clearly, I don't mind.

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