Part 2|That's acceptance

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Kiibo's POV


It's debatable...

I'm not sure if I can feel it..

But, I'm sure this is what pain feels like

My left eye...

Is in pain.. but

It's bright, brighter than before.


I wake up in a bed, white covers in a white room with what I'd assume is medical objects. That clue leads to me thinking that I've woken up in the nurse's office. I've never been to the nurse's office must've been.

"Kiibo san!" I hear a particularly feminine voice that replicated a woman by the name of Mikan Tsumiki. She was timid and our school's nurse, she was very kind and assisted many students here. 

"Tsumiki san!" I call out, I tired letting out a joyful tone, so I could let her know I'm happy to see her.

"Kiibo san! Y-you're awake.. uhm...Aaah!" I feel weight pile on top of me, it feels like almost the weight of a girl. It feels a bit heavy... I open my eyes to see Tsumiki san's legs spread out on my face, I let out a flustered scream.

"Aaaaaaaah! T-tsumiki saaan!"

"I-I'm sorry, p-please forgive me!!"

"Oi! Slut get off him! You're hurting him!"

A voice?

Tsumiki gets off me at once and bends down to apologize. Who else is in the room?

"Kiibo! Are you- your eye!" I scoot up a bit, to see who is speaking currently...why, it's my best friend Iruma san!

"Iruma san! I'm happy to see you, but I must ask. What is the matter with my eye?" There's concern in my voice, I somehow feel... nervous. Nervous of what?

"Kiibo, you have a bandage on your eye!"

"A bandage, why a bandage?"

Tsumiki cires out "your eye is cracked!"

" A-and Ouma Kun brought you here, b-because Iruma san w-was um speaking with me. S-so he asked her to fix you, b-but she didn't have the m-materials..nor did anyone else. S-so I just put a bandage over it! I-I'm sorry for being useless." Tsumiki said tearfully 

"Hell yeah! Now you look so badass, you look like Apollo Justice in Dual destinies. If only you had a cape.."

The two were laughing and speaking with each other, everything was so casual... but not for me. Because I heard something... something that confused me.

Ouma Kun brought me to Iruma san so she could fix me?

"S-so I guess you two could carry on with your day... umm.." Tsumiki slurred all her words, she was playing with her plum cut up hair, twisting the hair around her finger.

"K bitch, just don't try to fuck Kiibo again. And if you find a coat that looks similar to Clay's, tell me!"

With that we left, not together, Iruma san had to go to class. I had to go to class, but a different one hers, so we parted our ways. I walked among these hallways, searching for my classroom. But then I hear... muttering..?

I walk a bit more through the hallway, near the staircase and notice two boys..? That's right that navy hair and purple hair! Ouma Kun And Saihara Kun. I've never seen the two talk much to each other, while Ouma Kun did talk to Saihara Kun somewhat, I've never seen the two actually talk during when it's class time, especially since Saihara would never do something else when he's supposed be in class. I think they call it "skipping class."

But this was perfect, I needed to ask Ouma Kun, my bully, why did he take me to Iruma san. He surely didn't care for me.

"Oh look, it's kiiboy!" Ouma yelled, putting his hands on his hips. "Run away kiiboy, you're supposed to be in class."

"So are you Ouma Kun." I barked back "Why are you whispering to Saihara Kun? Did you deceive to 'skip class'?" 

"Ah n-no Kiibo Kun, it's fine. Ouma Kun just wanted to ask me something.."

Something felt off.. it felt like...

A lie

But why would Saihara Kun lie to me? I decided to press the issue to stated unintentionally coldly "Why are you lying to me?"

I noticed sweat dripping down Saihara's pale skin, I saw him blush and part his lips. Ouma opens up his mouth and spoke

"Fiiine, because you're annoying and I really want you to leave, and you probably won't if I don't tell you." He continued "The truth is.. me and Saihara chan are dating and was going to go out with each other after school."


Why when he said that... I felt crushed?

Crushed in the sense of feeling so... upset..?

Why am I so upset...


"Now can you please kindly leave, we're trying to plan things out."

That was my signal to leave, I saw a farmiler face head my way... Iruma san...

She noticed I was down and comforted me, but all of the encouragement didn't seep in my robotic hearing, because my thoughts drowned out everything.


I looked back behind me, Ouma Kun gave me a evil grin, a grin that said something rude... something that made you feel helpless and angry. I felt Iruma san's hug embrace me, she felt soft and it felt so real and alive to me...

But nothing could fix how cold and dead my heart felt that I didn't even have from the start...

I silently hugged my friend back...

At least I have Iruma san by my side... I heard her voice.

"You're special Kiibo..."

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