S/O runs away from home

Start from the beginning


Minhyuk had cheated. Once.

He cheated with one of your best friends, and she told you

When you found out you didn't even leave a note. You just left

He never thought you would find out

He never thought you would find out

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He was working over time and was never home

You got so used to sleeping and waking up alone

Kihyun had no idea you had left home three days before he got home

You were spending more of your time with Changkyun

You were spending more of your time with Changkyun

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His partner ran away from their parents house and met Hyungwon

He happily took you in and took care of you

The rest of the members loved you and you eventful started dating

The rest of the members loved you and you eventful started dating

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You and Jooheon have been fighting a lot recently

He was either always drunk or working, and both situations pissed you off

It was another night with just fighting and you threatened to leave, he said he wouldn't care

So you packed your stuff and left when he was still sleeping

So you packed your stuff and left when he was still sleeping

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He had been heavily drinking and started a fight

As you were arguing he turned around and slapped you

When he was sober the next morning he didn't remember anything

You left when he was at work

You left when he was at work

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I got my phone back guys :)
But don't worry, I'll definitely get my grades up

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